Chapter three

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CHAPTER THREE:  depression

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CHAPTER THREE:  depression

❝︎үσυ вεℓσηg ωιтн υs❞︎


As for Klaus, for a while, he had even stopped eating and sleeping. Sometimes, Klaus would find himself driving to the Cullen's house, stopping halfway before recalling that they had left. Or he'd get all the way to the house, even knocking on the door before it hit him.

Charlie would leave food outside the door, knocking on it, but the brunette boy wouldn't get up to eat it. Charlie started to leave the food on his nightstand, still, he barely ate.  Klaus hardly slept at night, and when he did, he'd wake up in a panic, worried that someone had been hurt.

He sat at the Cullen table, Bella sat there as well.

Bella screamed in her sleep, Klaus, most of the time, already being up had ran to her room. Or her screaming would make him up before his own nightmares would.

Klaus had stopped drawing, and the only time he did, it was depressing, dark. It was all death.
Charlie hadn't seen those drawings,as despit it all, Klaus tried very hard to force himself to look happy for his father.
❝︎үσυ вεℓσηg ωιтн υs❞︎

"All right," Charlie spoke to the twins.  "that's it."

"What?" Bella asked.

Klaus had been trying to look happy, like nothing bothered him. Klaus didn't want for his father to worry.  "Yes?" Klaus fakes a smile, his father saw passed all of them.

"You're going to Jacksonville. Live with your mother." Then turns to Klaus. "I know you and your mother don't get along, so, if you don't want to live with her, you can stay here, but... you can't stay like this."

Klaus kept his smile plastered on, not seeming to know just how fake and forced it looked. "Why? What's the problem?"

"I'm not leaving Forks." Bella speaks at the same time.

"Nik...Bells... they're not coming back." Charlie tells them.

Klaus's fake smile drops, for half a second before he forced it back up. "We know."
"I know." Bella said at the same time.

"It's just not normal, this behaviour," Charlie speaks again. "Quite frankly, it's scaring the hell out of me and your mother. Baby, sweetheart....I-I don't want you to leave. Neither of you. I don't, but just go. Go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends."

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