Back to class

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Jaune's pov
A week later

When we got back to the school professor Ozpin told us not to tell anyone about what happened on our mission. Professor Dark was back on his feet in no time. Me and Astraea grew closer but April didn't seem to like that at all.

Jaune hey Jaune are you okay. Astraea said.

Yeah just thinking about something. I said grabbing my books.

Oh what you thinking about. She said.

Why Ozpin told us, not to talk about the mission or who the guys in armor where. I said walking the halls to my next class.

Jaune you know we're not supposed to talk about this. Astraea said.

Yeah I know but who do you think they where. I said.

Their the first knight legion. A voice said form behind us.

Professor Dark I thought that your still injured. Astraea said.

Well yeah but what the nurse doesn't know won't t kill me. He said.

Professor! A female voice yelled.

Oh great look out here come the human crept keeper kids. He said turning around.

Professor why aren't you in bed. Nurse Dakota said.

Well you see theses lovely students where looking for some guidance so I took it upon myself to give them guidance. He said laughing.

I don't buy it one bit Zachary now get back to bed. She said.

Fine I see you around Jaune Astraea. Dark said walking away.

Well that was interesting. Astraea said.

Yeah it was. I said.

Well what class do you have now. She said.
I have the studies of grimm. I said.

Oh cool. Astraea said.

What about you. I said.

Oh I have Professor Goodwitch's combat training class. Well maybe we can sit with each other at lunch. She said.

Okay see you then Astraea. I said walking into my class.

Jade's pov

It's still bugging me I know that I know that boy from the fort but where do I know him from this is very puzzling.

Jade are you coming we have to get going. April said.

Yeah just go on with out me. I said.

Alright then. She said.

April's pov

Well this morning sucks so bad I just can't stand the thought of my sister being happy where is my happiness. Well it's whatever deep down I'm happy for her.

Hey April. Yang said.

Oh hi Yang what's going on. I said coming out of my train of thought.

What's you thinking about. She said.

How did you know. I said turning my head to her.

I didn't till just now. She said with a laugh.

Can't talk about it. I said.

Well okay then what's going on with you then. She said.

I've been good what's new with you Yang. I said.

Well my sister is dating Weiss and Blake has a new boyfriend. She said looking down at her feet.

Well looks like we have alot in common then all your team mates are in a relationship leaving us with nothing. I said.

Well that's not true we have our friendship. She said looking up.

Yeah your right. I said.

Yeah so where you going. Yang said.

I'm on my way to Oobleck's what about you. I said.

That's great well ill see you around April I have Goodwitch's combat training class. Yang said.

Yeah see you Yang. I said walking into class.

Sorry that this chapter is so short.

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