The Mountain Top

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Jaune's pov

As the other sleep me and Desmin had the pleasure of taking the first watch.

Hey Desmin, can I ask you something? I asked.

Can it wait till morning. He said turning around to face the other away.

Not really. I said looking around.

*sigh* fine what is it Jaune. Desmin said.

Well what is up with Astraea she's. I was cut off by Desmin.

What acting weird ever since that night you guys went to the dance club, yeah I noticed. He said.

Yeah and the bouncers took her to the office room do you know anything about that. I said still scanning the tree line.

Oh hold it their at the end of the tree line a pack of Beowolvies. Desmin said pointing them out.

Should we wake the others then. Jaune said.

You should go Jaune me and Desmin will hold them off. A voice said.

Right don't get killed. I said running towards the camp.

Desmin's pov

So what's the plan here Jade. I said turning to my partner.

Well I count ten I think that we should wait till the others get here and then we engage the grimm. She said readying her weapon.

As the others arrived so did more grimm.

Well professor what's the word on this. Jade said aiming her guns at the grimm.

We fall back up the mountain. He said turning around.

What retreat are you kidding me we can take them. April said.

Killing them will only bring more and they are not our main objective the fort on this maintain top is April so just listen to the professor. Jade said walking backwards her guns still on the grimm.

Cone on sis we have to go. Astraea said grabbing her sister's shoulder.

As we came to the base of the mountain the professor had the cables set for the climb up.

Well students frist. Dark said hooking Pyrrha up into the ropes.

I ready professor. Pyrrha said as Dark hit the button in the belt.

Next student. He ordered.

As we all shoot up the mountain side we came face with the fort.

Astraea's pov

Well now that we're all here what do we do. I said.

We do what we came here to do. Dark said.

Well then let's do it. Jade said.

We walked forward in combat formation clearing corners and splitting into teams of two I got stuck with Jaune maybe it was for the best.

Astraea do you want me to go frist being that this hallway is dark. He said looking down the hall.

If you want just do me one favor keep your shield out in front of you. I said.

Of course I will. He said walking down the hallway.

As we walked down the hall like flicks of light came through some of the windows the rooms looked like they haven't been lived in for some time now, as we continue to walking I started to have a vision of something it wasn't clear we ran into April and Pyrrha.

Astraea, ASTRAEA! Hey look at me not close your eyes hey come on just talk me through it sister, what are you seeing. April said in a panicked voice.

I'm seeing someone it's not clear it looks like their fight with a human no wait it's a grimm but looks human and there's more of them. I said.

Jade's pov

Me and Desmin stayed with the professor and looked around Desmin being on the the other side of the courtyard.

Well how do you think they're doing in there Professor. I said moving a rock.

Well your team members and team JNPR each individual has their own skill they will all be powerful warriors, even you Jade. He said looking down at the base of the mountain.

Hey professor this place is supposed to be deserted right. I said.

Yes it was abandoned in the first battle against the grimm. He said.

Why was it abandoned their was what like one hundred men here. I said walking over to him.

Well the general that was in command here underestimated the power of the monsters, and not all grimm are mindless the one's who attacked the fortress where smart they saw the weakness in the heart of man. He said looking down to the left as if he was reliving the event.

And what was it, the weakness that is? I asked sitting next to him.

It's fear my dear fear that broke the first line, the military thinks that the grimm are mindless and show no fear, but in fact they are smart they have no need to attack humans they do it because they have fear. He said still looking to his left.

Professor! It's Astraea, she hasn't come out of her vision yes he needs your help. April said running up to us.

As Jaune came out of the hallway they went into before he was carrying Astraea and Pyrrha followed behind him.

She's saying something. I said.

Light, light. She repeated it over and over again.

Light what does she mean professor. Desmin said kneeling down beside Astraea.

I think it's a soldier who was here when this fort when it was a fort. Jaune said.

He wasn't just a soldier he was the company commander of the 1st knight legion. Dark said taking his hand and putting it on Astraea's head.

What are you doing professor? I said.

I'm going to see what she's seeing and hopefully pull her out of her vision. He said.

I'll stay here with April Desmin you go with Jaune and continue the search. I said.

I'll stay with them you go. Jaune said their was a hint of fear in his voice.

alright take care of them. I said walking passed him.

I will. He said.

April's pov

So Jaune why did you want to stay and not continue the search. I said standing up.

Well I feel like it was my fault I was paired with her so I feel like this is my fault she's like this. He said.

Well it's not your fault Jaune it's her semblance she can see the future but it is subject to change. I explained it to him.

Wait she's coming out of it. Pyrrha said.

Astraea opened her eyes and she slowly sat up and put her hand on her head.

Take it easy now do you feel okay any little headed. Dark said holding her up.

Professor thank you. Astraea she said in a weak voice.

Don't talk save your strength just rest now. Dark said laying her down on her back.

Hey professor what did you see in her mind. I said walking over to them.

Well it was hard to tell what it was she was seeing. He said.

The others started to come back to the courtyard.

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