An Old Team new faces

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Raven's pov

Well now Raven why do we need to get the team back together again. John said.

Because of this. I said showing him a picture of the eye of adam.

But that is lost no one is able to find it. He said taking the scroll out of my hand.

I thought that they destroyed this thing. John said.

That's what I thought too but it's obviously wrong. I said.

Well where do we being? John asked.

With Slater he's out in the west I'm sure he won't turn us down or money for that matter. I said.

Well then let's go get my older brother then. I'm sure he'd love to see us again. He said walking over to an airship.

I'm sure he'll be surprised. I said.

Ozpin's pov

Well this is unexpected suprise isn't General. I said sipping the coffee that was in my hand.

Oz we both know how it is let me send some men to the fort. James said.

James my students already came back there's nothing to worry about I'm sure the eye is safe. I said.

Well I'm still going to send a team to the old fort and see what happened over there and I'll do it with or withoutyour permission Oz. James said walking over to the door.

Well then good luck. I said walking over to the window.

Raven's pov

Well now Raven this is going to be fun isn't it. John said walking over to a table that was selling jewelry.

Well this place is in the middle of the desert and this is the one place I wouldn't want to be at the right moment this town is full of people who went jail or are hiding out for something that they did. I said.

Well where do we being? John asked walking over to me

Well knowing your brother he might be in a bar somewhere in this town so I'll look in the one here you head up the street and look in that one, oh and John don't do anything stupid that with upset the locals in this place. I said looking at the bar.

Of course not why would I do that I'm one of the most level headed people that you know. He said walking off.

I walked into the bar the air was thick and hard to breath just like the outside but without the dust and sand everyone turned there heads but quickly return to what they where doing, I walked over to the counter and took a seat.

What can I do for you miss. The bartender said as he was cleaning a cup.

Well I'm looking for a man named Slater he's out here and I was wondering if you've seen him around or if heard anything about him? I asked him.

Well I've heard of that name but I've seen him around here he comes in from time to time. He said.

Well thanks for the help. I said getting up and headed for the door, I looked up to the sky, man I hope John you had better luck then I did.

John's pov

Well this isn't looking good is it, this place is looks like Slater would be here but yet I don't see any sign of him. I thought.

Can I help you with something boy. The bartender said.

Yeah you can I'm looking for a man named Slater has he been here? I asked.

Yeah he's a regular here, why do you ask. The bartender said.

Well it's not your business why I'm looking for him now is it. I said leaning on the counter.

John! What did I tell you about being nice. Raven said walking over to me.

Well great I see your not having any luck finding him. I said.

No I had no luck finding him. She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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