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A few years ago...

"He's probably dead in a ditch somewhere." Kestrel growled, pacing around the small cave where the other Talons of Peace stood.

A NightWing egg, a SkyWing egg, a SandWing egg and a MudWing egg lay on the stone bench before them, nestled into the makeshift nest. There was also meant to be a SeaWing egg, but Webs was late. Very late. Kestrel reckoned that the eggs would hatch before he returned, if he returned.

"I doubt he's dead." Hvitur, the icewing who successfully delivered the SkyWing egg, replied.

"Hvitur's right, he probably just got caught up in the rain." Dune agreed, his barbed tail curling up as he sat patiently by the eggs.

"That's what you said about Asha and look what happened to her." Kestrel spat, growing more angry as more time passed.

Silence fell between the three dragons, all of their thoughts drifting in the same direction. Poor Asha, she was the most hopeful out of all of them. She truly believed in the prophecy and sacrificed her life delivering the MudWing egg to them. A loud flapping noise caught the guardians's attention, and in flew Webs. He placed a white and green egg on the table before collapsing onto the cave floor. Kestrel stated at the egg and imagined herself strangling Webs to death.

"Webs." She hissed, "What. Is. That."

"A RainWing egg." Webs panted, slowly recollecting himself, "The SeaWing hatchery was too well guarded and we have to have five eggs."

"Yes, and one of them is meant to be a SeaWing you cowpat!" Kestrel roared, seething from the inside out, "If you couldn't get the Royal SeaWing egg you could've settled for any old egg under the sea, I'm sure there were many deep blue eggs!"

"Let's calm down for a moment, what's done is done." Hvitur interjected in an attempt to stop Kestrel from murdering Webs then and there.

Kestrel growled in defeat. He was right, there was no way they could go back and get another SeaWing egg destined to hatch any moment. It would be impossible. The only thing they could do was hope Morrowseer wouldn't find out whilst the rainwing dragonet was young, young enough to easily discard. 

"Guys, look!" Webs suddenly spoke up, drawing their attention to the eggs.

The NightWing egg was shaking, the eggshell splitting at the top as the small dragonet pushed furiously inside it. After a few more cracks the black egg shattered into many pieces, leaving behind a small dragonet. It was male, with black and grey scales and purple undertones. The dragonet stared curiously at the other eggs, and then at the guardians.

"It's cuter than I expected." Dune thought aloud.

Suddenly the blood red MudWing egg started rocking furiously, and the Nightwing dragonet playfully pounced onto it, before stumbling and falling onto his back. The guardians laughed, and even Kestrel let out a small chuckle. After a couple of moments of struggling, the MudWing dragonet burst forth out of its egg. It was a female, with reddish brown scales that looked pink in the lighting. She stared up at the guardians and started chirping.

"What's your problem." Kestrel grumbled, staring the dragonet in the eye.

"You're going to frighten the poor thing to death with your glaring, Kestrel." Hvitur joked, receiving a glare himself.

The next to hatch was the SkyWing egg, which was rather abrupt. After a few splinters the egg split open to reveal a female SkyWing dragonet with golden scales. She pounced onto the MudWing dragonet, playfully wrestling as the nightwing nudged the sand coloured egg. 

"I thought SkyWings were red or orange." Dude commented.

"They normally are, but legend has it that every century a golden SkyWing is born out of the largest egg and is gifted with amazing powers." Webs explained, not really helping.

Kestrel snorted, "That's complete and utter nonsense, it's normal for SkyWings, or any dragons, to occasionally be off-coloured."

The SandWing and the RainWing egg hatched only seconds apart, the SandWing cracking the egg open first. It was male, with pastel yellow and white scales, mismatched eyes and a deadly barbed tail. Next came the RainWing, who at first had a little trouble crawling out of the shattered egg. It was female, with white and jade green scales that had red flecks. The dragonets stumbled and pounced over each other, full of curiosity and wonder.

"So..." Hvitur spoke up, "I guess we should name them. How about we name the dragonet we each found. Webs, you can name the MudWing too."

The talons of peace member thought for a moment, a rare moment of silence where they weren't thinking of Asha's death.

"Hollyberry, for the MudWing." Webs decided, perhaps the most normal thing he had said all night, "and White Lily for the RainWing."

"Golden Cheese for the SkyWing." Hvitur suggested, half-joking.

"What in Pyrrhia possessed you to choose that name?" Kestrel snorted, containing her laughter.

"What? If they're dragonets of Destiny their names should be memorable." Hvitur replied, as if that justified naming a SkyWing after a scavenger delicacy.

"Fine." Kestrel sighed, "The Nightwing shall be Dark Cacao then, Cacao for short."

She heard Hvitur mumble something under his breath about it not being any better than the name he chose, but she decided to ignore it so the dragonets's first memory wouldn't be their IceWing guardian's death.

"Pure Vanilla will be the SandWing." Dune announced, following the theme of questionably fancy names.

The dragonets stared up at the guardians, blissfully unaware of their destinies. It seemed the prophecy had begun.

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