[2] mindlessly.

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peter parker wasn't at school the next day either.

but he was there the day after.

he brushed her desk as he walked past to his own, and at first, she didn't acknowledge it. she was still hung up on the fact that her mother was marrying that pig, despite the announcement being a couple of days ago. she hadn't managed to scrape it off of her mind, the notion that adrian would be a part of her life always finding a way to bounce back. quite frankly, she was tired of thinking about him, but she couldn't stop.

still, she could not find it in herself to at least try and tolerate him. she couldn't understand why her mother chose him, him of all people. she supposed her mother was incapable of attracting the right men, for she was convinced that she had never met one, single nice man in her life.

even her own father wasn't a good man, and she would've thought that her mother would have learned her lesson once he had left.

she sighed and rested her chin in her palm as the teacher sauntered into the room, beginning her early morning lecture. although she would've liked to be anywhere else other than school, she guessed it was better than having to see adrian at home.

it wasn't until she was back in the crowded school hallways that she noticed peter parker, head tucked away in his locker as he struggled to keep it open. a couple made out on top of his locker door, not a care in the world for him as he tried to grab his books. she glanced away as peter finally let them slam his locker closed, shaking his head as he trudged away, on route to whatever his next class was.

she pondered coming up to him to wish him well, alas, she decided against it. not only was he gone, a ghost amongst the rest of the crowd, she figured the last thing he'd want was to be reminded of gwen stacy.


like lightning, she jolted at the abrupt interruption of her thoughts, her friend standing before her, a sweet smile on her face. mary-jane watson laughed at her reaction, hugging her textbooks onto her hip as she adjusted her ponytail with her opposite hand.

"damn it, mj," she sighed, slipping her textbooks inside of her locker to exchange for new ones. "you just about gave me a heart attack."

mary-jane chuckled as she watched her friend juggle her books in one hand whilst shutting her locker with the other, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "sorry for scaring you," she smiled as they set off in the direction of their next class. "just wanted to check up on you."

she recalled the texts she had sent mary-jane the night after her mother and adrian had made their announcement, the reminder deepening the wrinkle in her brow. "right, yeah."

"you know, you're welcome to stay over at my house any time you'd like," her friend smiled sweetly once again, her locks of red hair a long, fiery trail behind her. they turned into the classroom and made themselves comfortable at their seats. "i know, i just don't want to intrude or anything," she replied, pushing her bag underneath her desk with her foot as she peeled back the cover of her textbook. "your parents are always so nice to me, and i feel like i'll never be able to pay them back for their hospitality."

mary-jane's hazel eyes rolled in their sockets as she rested her cheek against her knuckles, eyeing her friend beside her. "you know they don't mind," she responded. "they love you. you're such a great influence on me."

she could feel the corners of her mouth twitch at the sarcastic comment, and even emitted a small, stifled laugh. "if only they knew, right?" she chuckled, mary-jane doing the same.

if you ran away, come back home ♤ peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now