[3] something different.

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"thanks for the ride, mr. watson," she waved goodbye to mary-jane's father before they made their way towards the school's entrance. she yawned behind her palm as they walked inside, the hallways crowded with students as always, zombie-fied by the early morning. "has your mom texted you or anything yet?" mary-jane questioned as they approached her locker, and she looked down at her phone whilst her friend sorted through her books.

she shook her head, "no." mary-jane pursed her lips as she hugged her textbooks to her chest, shutting her locker shut behind her before they were on route to hers. "she'll forget about it," mary-jane did her best to reassure her as they made their way to her locker. "she can't stay pissed off at you forever."

she shrugged as she practically tossed her things into her locker, save for the few textbooks and notebooks she needed. "i don't know, she can be pretty crazy when it comes to her boyfriends," she rolled her eyes, slamming her locker shut. "i just don't understand why she always has to settle for the worst. adrian's just like every other man she's dated and where have those relationships ended up?"

mary-jane gave a small smile, mostly in hopes to lighten the mood. "well, hey if it makes you feel any better, at least you get peter parker first hour," she teased, poking her friend's shoulder. her eyes rolled in their sockets and she shook her head, letting the red-head do as she pleased. "whatever," she tittered amongst the school bell as it rang. "see you later?"

mary-jane nodded as she back-pedaled, watching as her friend turned and made her way towards her first class of the day.

at last, she had made it to her classroom, ambling between the desks before making it to her own, setting her things down. she glanced up— peter parker was already in his seat. she pondered if she should say anything, like 'hey, glad you're back at school,' or 'never seen you make it to class this early.' she ultimately decided against it, sliding into her seat, swallowing the words on the tip of her tongue back down.

"you ever gonna reply to my text?"

she jolted and she gazed up at the boy towering over her desk, eclipsing the light overhead. there stood flash thompson and she could hear herself mentally sigh— usually he didn't bother her this early in the morning. "text?" she acted as if she had no clue what he was talking about when she, in fact, could recall the texts she specifically ignored. "i've been texting you, are you not getting any of them?"

she shrugged, "i don't check my phone all that often." he cocked an eyebrow, his palms resting against her desk. "clearly," he scoffed, visibly annoyed. she found it within herself to feel amused, although it was not a secret that flash thompson was impatient. "the hell are you looking at, parker?"

"alright, everyone, in your seats." she gazed past him and at the teacher, cocking an eyebrow up at him. flash pursed his lips, breaking himself away from her desk and plopping down in his own seat in the back. she turned her head on peter parker's direction and he blinked, eyes darting to the front of the room.


"he looked at you? wow, when's the wedding?"

she rolled her eyes at mary-jane as she picked at the food on her tray, her friend poking her shoulder teasingly. "so what i'm hearing now is that peter parker wasn't just a little crush," she giggled, a hand to her lips and pointing at her with the other. "you like him."

"i do not," she snapped back as mary-jane did her best to stifle her laughter, making it clear that she didn't believe her. "dude, you've thought he was cute since like, middle school. little, dumb crushes like that don't last until senior year of high school," she snickered, stuffing a bite of her sandwich into her mouth.

if you ran away, come back home ♤ peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now