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"You new here?"

He walked in through the door, his dark hair falling around his face. His eyes were hooded as he stared me down and slowly made his way towards me with his tall figure.

The last time I saw him, he was standing at the entrance of the college walls. He kept on staring at me but I felt too uneasy to keep his gaze, as it is my first time on campus and I know absolutely no one.

"Uhm... Y-yeah."

I stutter nervously as I clutch the scarlet-covered book to my chest, as if to cover my rapid heart beat from him. He was just two feet away from me as I saw how the smirk crept across his face and he cocked his head to the side. His eye color was finally visible to me as he examined my body from head to toe. His eyes were a haunting green and looked even more alluring when the sun that shone through the windows, hit it just right.

"Great legs, cute face," He paused as he looks at me with a burning desire in his eyes. I gulp as I am a bit fearful of what this guy wants from me. "Mine."

That last word made my heart beat so fast that I felt my mouth go dry. I couldn't even bring myself to form a proper sentence. He then stepped closer towards me and I don't know what it is, but something about him has got me feeling so...


He took the book from out of my grip and tossed it onto the cold floor. I jump at the loud sound that it makes as it reaches the ground, but he doesn't even care for it at all.

His only focus was on me.

And only me.

He then slowly lifted his hand and caressed my cheek ever so gently. My face felt so heated in this moment as I know that my crimson cheeks are just blossoming in front of him.

His pink, pouted lips were poking at me as his hooded eyes never left mine. His tall frame hovered over me as I notice his lean body muscle. He looks like he could beat up any guy that crosses his path. A smile twitches onto his lips as he sees how my chest rises and falls at his contact on my skin. Clearly, it's quite hard to hide these feelings that he is awakening inside of me.

For some weird reason, we are the only ones in the library. He probably came up with this whole idea. He probably warned everybody to stay out of the library so that he can get me to himself.

I don't know much about this guy but I can already tell that he's the popular guy around here; judging on his confidence that could be mistaken for cockiness and his awfully good looks. Not to mention the dominant side of him that doesn't hide itself.

"What are you thinking about?"

His question catches me completely off guard as I realize that I have been unconsciously staring at his lips this entire time.

Well, that's embarrassing.


I let out breathlessly as he smiles down at me, knowingly. He's so close to me that I can already smell his cologne that I swear I could get high off.

"Well, let me give you something to think about then."

He whispers in a deep, throaty voice.

I furrow my brows up at him as he slowly leans closer towards me until his only inches away from me and I realize exactly what his intentions are.

Before I knew it, his lips were on mine which took me by surprise. What's even more surprising is that I'm actually allowing him to kiss me!

Why am I kissing this guy? I've just met him a few minutes ago and I know absolutely nothing about him!

Heated (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now