Chapter 14

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Heated - Chapter 14

I was sitting on the grass with Becky and Justin as we have just completed our meal of the day. It was almost time for me to get to my date and I was really excited but nervous at the same time. I kept replaying what would happen in my head - especially really bad things regarding myself.

"Isn't it sweet that the college is having a charity for kids in need?"

Becky speak to both Justin and I. I look over at her in confusion as I was still eating on my apple.

"A charity? When did they mention that?"

Becky lifts her brow at me in curiosity.

"Where were you when they announced that this afternoon?"

I chew on my apple as I look elsewhere as I try to come up with something really quickly. I haven't mentioned the fact that Harry and I had a steamy moment on our own whilst the announcement had been made. She would definitely be grilling me on why I did that, then I'll have to tell her about how wrong I interpreted the whole thing and I'll be even more embarrassed.

I will tell her soon - just not now. Probably after the date or somewhere around that time.


I stutter nervously as I try to come up with something, but my mind just went blank.

"She's been trying to figure out how to eat her food tonight. You use a little thing called a 'fork', young one."

Justin teases as he has a little smirk on his face as I know that he is only trying to annoy me.

"Wow, really? And all this time I've been using my bare feet to eat. Thanks for the update, Justin."

I stare blankly at him with so much sarcasm laced in my voice.

"You're welcome!" He replies back to me and I just roll my eyes at him in exasperation. "Thanks for making my conclusion of you official, I always knew you were apart of Tarzan's clan."

I squint my eyes over at him as I cross my arms over my chest.

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"You're one with the gorillas."

I gasp at his witty remark as I smack him across the head and he starts laughing before wincing at the effect.

"Okay, okay. I'm just kidding, Paige." He finally gives up as he puts his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry."

He apologizes to me and does this weird thing with his face as I was trying to figure out exactly what is wrong with this kid.

"What are you doing?"

"It's my 'please forgive me' face."

"Looks more like a constipated face."

I smirk as I finally come up with a comeback.


He calls out as I stick my tongue out at him and he notices that I'm only pulling his leg as I let out a tiny giggle.

"C'mon guys, this is no time to be speaking about gorillas and feces!"

Becky scolds at us as she almost looks like a mother trying to calm her naughty kids down.

"Sorry, Becky."

Justin and I sing in unison as she has a satisfied smile on her face this time and stands up from the grass.

Heated (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now