Chapter 9

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Heated - Chapter 9

"So what's going on with you and Harry?"

Becky questions me with curiosity as she squints her eyes at me and waits for my reply. This doesn't just seem like a casual, friendly questioning - no, it feels more like an interrogation!

"What do you mean? There's nothing going on."

I shrug and try to act as though my words are true. It worked the first time, so it might work the second, right?


She lifts her brow at me as she looks at me with an intense stare, I knew I couldn't hide it any longer.

"Fine! Harry and I might have had some 'moments' together."

I wave my white flag as I finally stop running away from the truth.

I palm my face with both hands, almost as though to hide myself, which obviously wasn't helping at all. I peak through the cracks of my hands over into the direction of Becky and I notice that she was about to burst.

In what?



I don't even have a clue but I'm hoping she doesn't flip out at me for not telling her in the first place.

"I BLOODY KNEW IT! My gut feeling is always right!"

She screams out at me and basks in her success of uncovering the mystery of Harry and I. I instantly felt my cheeks heat up at the thought and I couldn't help but let out a shy smile. I also felt relieved as that weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It feels good to finally speak to someone about it all.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I didn't think that we'd get this far, I thought it was just a one time thing and he'd leave me alone."

She eyes me suspiciously as her eyes then widens with some kind of realization to my words.

"So, you two already did it ?"

"No, we did not do it !"

I shake my head and palm my face once more at Becky's conclusion of what had happened between Harry and I.

"But you will soon, right?"


"What? You've obviously done it before, so why would you be scared to do it now?"

She anxiously waits for my reply as I feel my cheeks heat up at her words and I look down to my feet.

"Actually... I've never done it before, so..."

I bite my lip out of shyness as I wait for Becky's reply to the news that seems to have shocked her.

"So, you're still a virgin?!"

She tries not to scream it out too loud as I look around and notice that nobody has heard anything.

Thank goodness.

"Yes! What did you expect?"

"Wow!" She let's out in the utmost shock to my confession. Almost as though she doesn't want to believe that it's true. "I mean, you're so pretty. Guys must have at least tried to get in your panties, right?"

"Thanks." I smile at her kind compliment. "And, yeah - they have. But I never gave them the time of day. I've always swore that I would wait for the person worthy of it and not just hand it over to the first guy I see."

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