Chapter 8

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At noon, I solved my lunch at the Farmhouse Hotel. The dishes were all packed in large pots, the portion was large, and the taste was average.

However, climbing the mountain takes physical strength, and everyone is so hungry that they can't care about the taste.

After a short rest after dinner, the head teachers of each class organized students to store their backpacks in the service area at the end of the rafting, and then took the minibus to the starting point of the rafting at the top of the mountain.

There are not enough seats on the minibus for one class, and there will be no more seats when the oga and beta girls in the class have sat down.

Chu Yihan sat by the window, holding her own and Wen Yuan's backpacks. Wen Yuan stood in front of her chair, supporting Chu Yihan and Ji Xingyao's seat back with both hands.

The aisle in the car was narrow, and the standing people were forced to squeeze together. Wen Yuan was squeezed tightly against Chu Yihan's seat by the people behind her.

"Did it squeeze you?" Wen Yuan asked.

Chu Yihan shook her head, she shrank inside to make more room for Wen Yuan.

The rugged mountain roads are mostly circular, and the minibus driver skillfully controls the steering wheel to turn continuously, but the students in the car are suffering, swaying from left to right, right to left like a tumbler.

The car made a turn, and Chu Yihan's head hit the glass several times. This time, Wen Yuan leaned forward with her upper body and stretched her left hand over Chu Yihan's head.

"I'm going to become stupid again." A cold voice sounded from above, Wen Yuan's palms were a little cold, but Chu Yihan felt her head was a little hot, she held her breath and raised her chin involuntarily.

Wen Yuan lowered her eyelids, facing Chu Yihan's beautiful eyes, their long eyelashes trembled in unison.

It was so close that their breaths seemed to be chaotically entangled in the air.

Seen from the side, the two of them pose like Wen Yuan wrapping Chu Yihan in her arms, as if a domineering president wants to force a kiss.

Shi Ran was stunned by this scene.

The car made another big turn, and Wen Yuan's hand was slammed into the car window. At the same time, Shi Ran was unable to stand steady while pulling on the ring. She turned around, and the twisted ring restrained her hand. Sitting on Ji Xingyao's lap, Ji Xingyao snorted subconsciously.

Instantly attracted the attention of those around you.

Shi Ran was dumbfounded, Ji Xingyao was dumbfounded, someone saw him smiling and suggested that the person in front of him sit on his lap.

Even the driver joked: "Hey! There are too many bends in front, so sit tight and hug tightly!" The whole room laughed, and everyone started to make trouble. Chu Yihan watched Wen Yuan in laughter and calmly retracted her hand.

Just now, the driver turned too violently, and with Wen Yuan's hand protecting her, it gave her a headache.

Wen Yuan's hand must have hurt more.

Many people in the car listened to the driver's advice and sat on the lap of their familiar friends.

Seeing this, Chu Yihan curled up the knuckles hanging on her knees and whispered, "Would you like to sit on my lap?"

Wen Yuan looked at Shi Ran and Ji Xingyao in the front row, their backs stiffened as if Like the stacked puppets, they are still bickering.

"You don't want to give you a seat, but now you're sitting directly on my lap."

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