Chapter 11

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    The oil in the pot was sizzling, and the heat wrapped in the onion, which was fried, and the fragrance rose up. know God.

    Xu Shi smelled the fragrance, and Gang Beng'er lingered outside the kitchen, "Meow, meow." The ground kept screaming, catching the gap and poking his claws inside.

    "Didn't you say you can only cook porridge?" Wen Yuan came to her senses, lowered her eyelids to see Gang Beng'er's cat claws moved in and scratched her, "So skilled at making noodles."

    Chu Yihan: "Mixing The noodles are simple."

    Wen Yuan raised her eyelids and saw that Chu Yihan poured the chopped tomatoes and egg liquid into the pot to stir fry: "The knife work is also good."

    She moved her feet, very lightly. "Stepping on" Gang Beng'er's fluttering claws, he added: "Obviously, he is someone who cooks a lot."

    Chu Yihan seemed to laugh, with a light voice: "It's not very often, I used to do it very badly. Yes ."

    "How bad is it?" Wen Yuan was curious.

    Chu Yihan thought for a while and said, "Do you know the little master of China?"

    Wen Yuan hummed.

    "The chef inside is cutting vegetables, aren't those vegetables flying by piupiu?" Chu Yihan sighed, "I was like that at the beginning."

    Wen Yuan was slightly taken aback, seeing Chu Yihan's frustrated expression, and thinking about what she just sent The onomatopoeia, the laughter suddenly broke the silence of the night.

    Seeing her smile, Chu Yihan also curled the corners of her lips: "It's common for a car to overturn. I've been complained about it before, and there are only a handful of dishes that I can take." Various images of the diced radishes rushed into my mind, and the comedy effect was full.

    Wen Yuan raised her lips and asked, "Is your mother complaining about it?" Saying, "It's time to eat," avoids the question.

    The red tomato paste and the yellow egg flowers are covered on the surface. The appearance is not particularly good, but the entrance is unexpectedly delicious. Wen Yuan rolled the noodles and ate quickly.

    Seeing that she was eating with relish, Chu Yihan, who was not very hungry at first, had some appetite.

    After eating and drinking, Wen Yuan sighed contentedly and gave Chu Yihan a thumbs up: "Delicious!"

    Chu Yihan said with a smile, "That's because you are hungry, and everything you eat is delicious."

    Wen Yuan retorted : "It's really delicious!"

    Chu Yihan was stunned for a while, her beautiful eyes were drooping down, her eyes widened, she grasped the end of the chopsticks, bit the tip of the chopsticks lightly, and said softly, "Maybe, I can also do it every day. I'll give you something to eat." The voice was very soft, and his tone seemed a little ambiguous.

    In the past, Wen Yuan was slow, and when she heard it, she thought it was a joke, but now that she was confessed, she couldn't help but think about what she meant. She blinked and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

    Chu Yihan could see her embarrassment, her drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and jokingly said: "However, I have to pay for the food."

    Wen Yuan involuntarily took the bait: "How much is the food? "

    Chu Yihan got up and cleaned the dishes and said, "It's not expensive, wash the dishes with me..."

    Chu Yihan made the noodles, so Wen Yuan naturally took up the task of washing the dishes, and only let Chu Yihan wash the dishes by the side. plate dry.

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