Chapter 12

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    At eight o'clock the next day, Fang Jingbai went to work to change Wen Ming to the hospital for care. After taking Wen Yuan for a CT scan, Wen Ming was stopped by a colleague in the emergency room, saying that a group of car accident victims had arrived and asked Wen Ming to help.

    Seeing Wen Ming's embarrassed look, Wen Yuan said sensible: "I can go back to the ward by myself. If I feel uncomfortable, I will call a nurse. You can go quickly."

    Wen Ming was still worried and called an intern nurse to accompany Wen Yuan back to the ward. After a few words of advice, he put on the white coat handed over by the nurse and turned to leave. Wen Yuan and the nurse entered the elevator together, turned around, and faced out.

    Following Wen Ming's back, his eyes fell on the family members of the injured who were crying and crying. For a moment, it overlapped with the helpless and weeping figure in his memory. His heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

    The elevator door slowly closed, Wen Yuan lowered her eyes, and exhaled a long breath very slowly.

    Back in the ward, Wen Yuan climbed onto the bed and subconsciously took out her mobile phone. There was an unread message from Chu Yihan on the screen. She moved, and she put down the mobile phone and took the tablet instead.

    "If you feel nauseous or feel sick, just ring the bell and call me." The nurse gave Wen Yuan an infusion while instructing her. After she was done, she walked to the door, turned her head and smiled at Wen Yuan. " Your classmates came to see you again."

    Wen Yuan raised her eyes.

    Chu Yihan walked into the ward with flowers and fruits, and saw her joy and concern in her eyes, and she fell softly over.

    Four eyes facing each other.

    But it was staggered for a second, Wen Yuan lowered her eyes, her eyes were scattered at Chu Yihan's feet.

    The curvature of Chu Yihan's lips was straightened. She was so observant that she could keenly catch Wen Yuan's avoidance at a glance.

    Having experienced Wen Yuan's neglect, Chu Yihan's heart suddenly rang an alarm bell.

    They were all fine before, obviously they were almost kissing one second before the accident.

    All night, Chu Yihan's nerves were pulled back and forth by worry, anxiety, joy and tension.

    She even imagined the scene after today's meeting. Wen Yuan's condition will be much better today, she will comfort her in turn, and she will complete the unfinished thing...

    But how happy the fantasy is, how skinny the reality is.

    Maybe, maybe just because of the injury, who can still smile when injured.

    Chu Yihan persuaded herself not to think too much, suppressed her messy thoughts, and asked with concern, "How are you? Have you had an examination? What did the doctor say?"

    The words were probably repeated.

    Because the wine bottle was smashed, a wound was made on the back of the head, and the wound was cleaned, shaved, and sutured. For fear of intracranial hemorrhage, a CT scan was performed, and he was kept in the hospital for observation for a week.

    Thinking of the information she had consulted, Chu Yihan asked nervously, "Does that make you feel sick?"

    "Fortunately, I don't feel anything."

    Wen Yuan's tone was light and her mood was low.

    Chu Yihan stared at her for a while, thought about it, thought that Wen Yuan was depressed because her hair was shaved, and said softly, "It will be alright, and the hair will grow back, I can't see it now. The piece that was shaved."

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