Chapter 9

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    The dean pressed the door handle and was about to push the door in, but the door was pulled one person wide from the inside.

    Intense and domineering pheromone blows.

    Except for the grade director who is beta, the dean of education and the lanky, tall, monkey-looking boy are all alphas, and they can most intuitively experience the strong sense of oppression in this pheromone.

    Wen Yuan stood tall and leaned against the wall, her dark jade-like pupils revealed the displeasure of the territory being violated, dyed with bone-chilling coolness, and gloomily scrutinized the people outside the house.

    Monkey boy Wen Yuan had the impression that his family was rich and acted arrogantly. His surname was Xiahou, and she couldn't remember what it was called.

    The fierce aggression in the pheromone makes one's heart tremble.

    A mature strong alpha like the dean was a little terrified of Wen Yuan's pheromone in the susceptible period, not to mention Xiahou, whose pheromone level was much weaker.

    The blood on his face faded, and he gritted his teeth to barely support himself standing here.

    Suppressed by Wen Yuan's pheromone, Xia Hou felt a little regretful about what he had done.

    But the thought of Duan Jiayan showing his face in public just now makes him hateful. I can't find Duan Jiayan's handle for the time being, so I will deal with Duan Jiayan's sister first, and I can also take the opportunity to ridicule Duan Jiayan so that he can't step down, no problem.

    Thinking of this, Xia Hou suppressed the discomfort and glanced into the room with his eyes narrowed.

    But there was Wen Yuan blocking it, and the gap that leaked out was pitch-black, and nothing could be seen.

    At this moment, Xia Hou's pupils tightened and his scalp became numb. He felt that the pheromone that was suppressing him became sticky, and there was still a look, and the sense of existence was no weaker than that of the pheromone.

    The girl leaning against the door leaned her head leaning against the door, her eyes were extremely dark under her thin eyelids, her eyes were deeply restrained, and piercingly cold, like a glowing black jade, faintly cold.

    Looking at him is like a beast staring fiercely at its prey, as long as he moves, he may be torn to shreds.

    How can students usually be so arrogant, when they see the school leaders, they will always restrain their pheromones.

    The dean soon realized that something was wrong: "Have you reached the susceptible period?"

    "It is the susceptible period." Wen Yuan slowly removed her eyes from the facial features of Xiahou's eyes, "I have contacted the head teacher and my parents. Self-isolate and wait for them to come."

    It was also a coincidence that when Wen Yuan was arched into a caterpillar under the quilt before, she was afraid that she would really be unable to restrain herself, so she touched her mobile phone and sent a text message to contact Qi Wei and Wen Ming while she was not so uncomfortable.

    Because some of her classmates were unwell, Qi Ai went to the Yamashita Pharmacy to buy a pharmacy. She replied and told Wen Yuan to self-isolate, saying that she would arrive in ten minutes, and specifically told Wen Yuan not to open the door unless she came, and she was not at ease to hand over her students to other teachers.

    I thought that I would let Chu Yihan leave after holding him for a while, but the dean came.

    Obviously, the dean was not called by Qi Wei, nor did she know that she was in the susceptible period.

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