Chapter 13

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    On weekends, at 5:30, most people were still under the warm blankets, and Chu Yihan and her sent messages to each other at the same time.

    The overly tacit coincidence made Wen Yuan wonder if Chu Yihan was not sleeping well like her.

    Thinking of Chu Yihan's increasingly thin and pale face, Wen Yuan's heart overflowed with deep worry.

    How can an oga stand up to this.

    Wen Yuan clutched her phone and wanted to say something to Chu Yihan, wanted to ask her if she was feeling better, wanted to ask her why she sent her a message so early.

    Before the words of concern could be typed out, Chu Yihan soon sent a second message:

    [I am at home until half past seven, you can come over at any time. 】

    Wen Yuan stared blankly at the screen, her eyes fixed on the full stop at the end of Chu Yihan, her heart skipped a beat, and

    Mianmian always did this, when she was in trouble, and when she was chatting with people she didn't like. Add a period at the end.

    Means hoping the chat ends sooner.

    Wen Yuan lit up her eyes and quickly darkened. She saw that Chu Yihan sent another message——

    [If it's inconvenient, you can just send me a message if you want to chat with me, no need to say goodbye. 】

    I can't hear the tone or look through the screen, this statement looks cold and emotionless.

    Wen Yuan's fingertips turning white while holding the phone.

    "No need to say goodbye." It was as if lightning struck Wen Yuan's heart in front of her eyes. It was so painful that she couldn't breathe. She seemed to suddenly be unable to understand these five words.

    What's the meaning? Are you going? Did you let her go?

    If Chu Yihan was really Mianmian as she thought, why would she be willing to leave her?

    She glanced at the top of the screen inadvertently, and Wen Yuan saw the departure message that Chu Yihan sent her the day she went to the hospital to visit her.

    After she refused, Chu Yihan's sad expression came to mind.

    The shoulder line collapsed, and Wen Yuan lowered her hand like a deflated ball.

    How happy the words in that paragraph were, how sad Chu Yihan was that day.

    Every word reminded Wen Yuan how much she used to insert the cold rejection straight into Chu Yihan's heart.

    If Chu Yihan is really Mianmian, then she also smeared a handful of salt on the knife called "Rejection".

    Wen Yuan closed her eyes and clearly felt the pain that was as fine as a needle stick running through her body along the blood.

    Stop guessing and prove it in person.

    She picked up her phone and went out the door, not even putting on her down jacket, not even changing the slippers on her feet. She walked quickly and ran like a madman, stepping on the damp against the swirling snow. The concrete floor, running wildly in the dark sky.

    The cold wind swept the early winter snow like a knife across his cheeks and poured into the hole in Wen Yuan's heart, radiating coolness from the inside out.

    She can bear more pain from self-blame, guilt, and guilt. This is the punishment she deserves, but the only thing she can't bear is loss.

    It was cold, and the uncle of the security guard huddled in the warm security booth too lazy to come out. He waved his hand and let him in. Wen Yuan was out of breath and ran into the community without stopping.

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