First Day At School

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It is a lovely day outside, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and there is a male standing in front of his house gate.
It seems like he is waiting for someone, it could be his neighbour or his friend. After a few moments, the male leaves her house, being impatient.
And there is his friend who is also his neighbour, a girl with coral pink hair and bright sky blue eyes, named Sayori, is asleep in her comfortable bed.
It is very peaceful until the alarm clock suddenly starts to ring and causing Sayori to wake up.
She groans as she slaps the alarm clock to the ground.
Sayori slowly opens her eyes and starts to yawn.
"Uuu.. Huh.. What day is it now..?"
Sayori checks her calendar as she goes to a sitting position on her bed.
She then realises that today is Monday and it is supposed to be her first day at her new school called,
"Salvato High School".
She picks up her alarm clock from the ground and checks the time to see if she is late or not.
Sayori starts to panic as soon as she saw that she is about to be late in a few minutes.
"Oh no! I am going to be late at my first day at school! Ugh.. Probably because me and MC watches too many episodes of one of his favourite animes, I don't blame him though. But, does it really matter if I am late on my first day at high school?"
Sayori says that as she realises another thing.
"I mean, I don't really see any reasons why I should go to high school, I don't even know if I can survive high school with all those stereotypes bullies and weirdos.. Sigh, well. I mean, I can try at least, I guess.."
Sayori always have a hard time getting up from her bed, she just seems to can't find any reasons why she should continue living or existing.
Sayori gets up from her bed tiredly.
Sayori is about to leave her bedroom but then she thinks that she had forgotten something.
She realises that she always hugs her cow plushie and duck toy called, "Mr Cow" and "Mr Duck", before leaving.
So she gives Mr Cow and Mr Duck a big hug and say:
"Ehehe, even if I'm late at my first day, I would never forget to hug you both, silly Mr Cow and Mr Duck! So don't worry about me forgetting about you two! You two sometimes really cheer me up.."
She leaves the bedroom after hugging Mr Cow and Mr Duck.
Sayori then rushes to the bathroom and starts to change into her tight school uniform.
After that, she quickly brushes her teeth as fast as possible and immediately leaves the bathroom.
She decides to take a protein bar and a cookie in her mouth since she thinks that skipping breakfast is bad for people's health.
Sayori quickly takes her bag and leaves her house.
Fortunely, the school is near her house and there is still enough time to spare so she quickly runs to the school.
As she is running to her school, she continues to eat her cookie in her mouth and the protein bar since she is very hungry as usual.
She finishes her breakfast as she have arrived at her school.
"Well, at least I'm not late, right? Welp, here I go to my first day at school. I hope people will like me."
Sayori says that as soon as she takes her first steps into the school.
Monika's point of view

Early in the morning, there is a girl with coral brown hair and emerald green eyes, named Monika, who is preparing her lunch at the kitchen while her parents are preparing to go to work.
Monika's mother wants to have a conversation with Monika so she starts talking to her.
Monika's mother:
''Monika, sweetie, it's been a few years since you have made any friends, I always wonder if you are going to make new friends in the future. Don't you like having new friends?''
Monika puts her lunch in her bag and gets quiet as soon as her mother asks that question.
Monika then pick up her words and speak to her mother after a few moment of silent.
''Mother.. I'm.. Not quite.. Sure.. But.. I'll at.. Least.. Try..''
Monika's mother becomes very happy when she hears Monika's decision about making new friends.
Monika's mother:
''Now that's my girl! I'm pretty sure this year you will make tons of friends! Oh, gotta go to work, sweetie. Have a nice day at your new school with your new friends!''
Monika's mother says as she leaves the house with her husband.
Before leaving, Monika's father waves goodbye to Monika.
Monika waves back with a small smile on her face.
She takes her bag and checks if she have every books in it. Monika is relieved to see that every books is still in her bag.
She is ready to leave her house and go to her new school.
She steps out of her house and walks to her school.
After a few minutes, Monika have arrives at her school.
Monika takes a deep breath and thinks to herself.
Monika's thoughts:
''Well, this is it. I really hope that I can actually make a new friend in this school. Welp, time to find out what will happen next.''
As she is about to step into the school, she sees a girl with coral pink hair and bright sky blue eyes, running towards the school.
''Huh, who is she? She seems kinda familiar.. It's like I seen her in middle school before..?''
Monika thinks to herself.
She tries to remember the coral pink hair girl with her old memories back at her middle school while the girl is talking to herself, not noticing Monika's appearance.
''Wait, isn't she the one who gave me a chocolate chip cookie after I accidently bumped into her? What is her name again..?''
Monika says that while she is trying to remember the time where the coral pink hair girl bumped into her.


Monika is walking down at the hallway to the library while suddenly.. *CRASHES* She accidently bumps into a coral pink haired girl that is rushing to her classroom. Monika is very shocked and she tries to apologise to the girl that she bumped into.
Monika's thoughts:
''Oh no.. How do I apologise to her? I don't know how to talk to people! Come on, Monika, just say that you're sorry!''
Monika tries to speak to the girl but all the words disappears from her head as she is trying to apologise to her.
Monika opens her mouth, but then closes it again.
The girl seems to forget of what just happened and when she realises it, she starts to speak to Monika:
''Aaah! I'm really sorry about bumping into you, Monika! I didn't meant to do that, I'm really sorry!''
Monika is confused why she is the one apologising to her instead of her apologising to the girl, and the fact that she knows her name since she's a student you may called "everyone's expectations" and a "perfect student" in this school.
The girl is taking something out from her pocket after apologising to Monika. Turns out, it's a wrapped chocolate chip cookie in her hand.
The girl gives the cookie to Monika and speak to her.
The girl:
''This is an apologie gift for you to make up my mistake, please forgive me, Monika!''
Monika stands in silent while listening to the girl's voice.
She then shyly nods her head and gently takes the cookie from the girl's hand. It means that Monika accepts the girl's apologie gift and forgives her.
Monika's thoughts:
''Oh god.. Now I have made myself guilty for not apologising to her or not even a single sound from me. I even took her food, that could be her only food by now! Welp, all I can do is to accept her gift and nod my head. I'm really a terrible person..''
The girl waves goodbye to Monika as she need to get back to her classroom
The girl:
''Oh no, I going to be late to my classroom! Sorry about earlier again, I'm truly sorry! But goodbye for now, Monika!''
Monika waves back with a smile on her face.
The girl gets out of Monika's sight as she is running to her classroom.
Monika slowly opens her mouth and says:


''O-oh yeah, she never told me her name when we first bumped into each other. She really grew a lot those years, it's kind of nice to see her again.. Nevermind, let's just go inside the school.''
Monika thinks to herself while the coral pink haired girl is gone again.
Monika then takes her first steps into her new school.

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