Recess time with their new friends

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Author's Notes:

Thank you to all of the people who have seen this old fanfiction of mine. Some people even voted and commented on it! I am very grateful to everyone here so I decided to continue this story since people like it. :]
Now, I shall continue the story here.

It is a lovely day outside school.
Monika and Sayori are in the same class, listening to the teacher with all ears.
Other students are taking notes of what the teacher is explaining about while some students are just playing around.
Sayori is very convinced that her first day of high school will be going great and so do Monika.
Monika is still curious about the letter she just recieved before the class started.
She desperately hopes that things will not go awkward as she thinks that she will mess up.
The teacher explains her lesson with lots of helpful details until the bell rings and interrupts her explaining.
A lot of students start to get up from their seats and thank the teacher before they leave the classroom.
MC tells Sayori that he would be hanging out with his other old friends in the canteen so he might not have time to spend time with her.
Sayori understands that MC only wants to spend time with the other boys instead of a clumsy girl.
''Ah, alrighty! Have a fun time with your boy friends!''
MC hears what she said and starts to blush intensely.
''S-Sayori! They are not my b-boyfriends! I'm not gay! They.. They are just friends who are males! Think before you accidently say something weird next time!''
MC says that to Sayori as Monika is secretly listening to their conversation since she is interested on how they communicate with each other.
Sayori, as usual, didn't know what he meant even though it's obvious while Monika giggles to herself quietly.
MC then ask Sayori to forget about it and continue with his day.
He leaves the classroom as Sayori and Monika are the only ones that haven't left.
Sayori thinks to come up with a topic to talk about with Monika when she suddenly remembers that she have to meet up with Natsuki at the canteen.
''Ah! I suddenly remember that I have to meet up with Natsuki at the canteen! Sorry, Monika! But I have to go, we can talk later, okay?''
Monika nods as she writes her words in her notebook.
Sayori reads it quickly but clearly as well.
'' 'Oh, alright. I also have to meet up with a person at the library now. I won't stop you from meeting up with your new friend. Go and have fun.' Oooh, alrighy then! I'll see you soon then!''
Sayori waves goodbye to Monika as Monika waves back as well.
Sayori and Monika leaves the classroom and seperated to their places where they need to go.

Sayori's point of view

Sayori rushes to the canteen and tries to find Natsuki as soon as possible since she doesn't want her to think that she will not be coming anytime soon.
Sayori checks every possible tables in the canteen and finally sees her.
Sayori pants as she talks to Natsuki.
''Haaah... Haaah.. Sorry! I came here late! But, I finally found you!''
Sayori slowly takes her breath while Natsuki replies.
''Jeez, you don't have to be that fast to be here. Also you're not even late since this is literally recess time. But, at least you did come here unlike other people.''
Sayori finally catches her breath and starts to talk with Natsuki.
''Hehe, I thought you might be mad at me just now. But you're really just a cute softie!''
Natsuki gets embarassed and tries to shush Sayori.
''H-hey! I'm not cute, you baka! I'm not softie either since I can literally punch you in the guts right now!''
''Hehe, if you say so then!''
Both of them start to eat their snacks until Natsuki asks her a question.
''Sooo, uhm, do you have a boyfriend yet or?''
Sayori gets so startled by that questions that she chokes on her food and keeps shaking her head hardly.
Sayori coughs a bit, then shallows her food slowly before she talk.

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