Monika's Birthday

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Author's notes

It's been a while since I had publish a new chapter and today would be Monika's birthday, I decided to make a special chapter where the club celebrate Monika's birthday! Also a reminder that this is not a continuation to the last chapter and is not part of this AU. I hope you enjoy!

There are nothing.
Monika stares into the black void as she only hears her own breaths.
She looks around but instead she found nothing at all.
It's just Monika and an empty room filled with silence.
Deeply she breathes and slowly she walks forward, trying to seek a way to leave this place.
She continues her steps until she saw a tiny light beaming.
That must be her way out, Monika interacts with the light without hesitation, touching it lightly with her palm.
The light glows brighter and brighter until she saw something quite familiar to her, standing in a clubroom.
Monika looks at the person for a while and is about to call out their name.

Monika's point of view

I woke up from my usual dream.
I have absolutely no idea what that dream supposed to mean, it basically repeats the exact same thing.
It started at a dark room and some light appeared.
And it always ended with uh, someone standing in the clubroom.
I will just forget about it for now and just start focusing in the present.
I checked the clock whether it's time for school or not.
4 in early of the morning.
That didn't break the record of me waking up earlier than I expected, it's just a few hours longer than the highest record.
Enough thinking, just start doing something.
What thing perhaps, hm.
That counts as thinking, ugh.
Oh, right. I can go to a store to buy some breakfast before school since it's not really that far away.
I can cook by myself but now I'm really tired of whatever I did yesterday and not get enough rest, as usual.
I stood up from my bed and—
Wow, jeez. This room is a mess. There's paper everywhere and a coffee mug on the table?
Oh great, now I have to deal with a mess that I created last night, which I kind of remember now.


I need to get more ideas for poems so I could make a good impression for the club and prepare for the next week when we share our poems.
But I simply can't just make ideas pop up of nowhere and write it down immediately.
I guess a coffee would make me feel energized for a certain amount of time—

No time for flashbacks!

Okay boomer

It's not usually like this, I better clean these up before I get tripped by something on the floor.
I picked up the papers on the floor and arranged them neatly on the table.
I just hate it when I, myself made a mess or a mistake, I have to deal with the consequences after that.
And I don't make a mess or a mistake.
Okay. Maybe except for the mess, it might happen due to something stressful or tiring.
I took a sip from the last remaining coffee in the mug and I walked down the stairs to the kitchen as I putted the mug in the sink.
I will just wash it after I come back from school.
I don't need to change my clothes since I'm already in my school uniform, it may sound a bit unsanitary of me to wear the exact clothing for more than a day but that doesn't matter anyways.
I brought my bag as well my wallet with me and left my house to the store.
Man, I am hungry alright.
But then at the same time, I feel like I am forgetting something.
I just don't know what, hm.
Eh, probably just something that is about the dream.
Yeah, right.

~Timeskip to when Monika arrives at her school~

Here I am, at my school.
Well, I'm full from my breakfast and I'm feeling more tired even after I drank my coffee.
I walked into school and went along the hallway.
I was just thinking about something until I stumble upon a person I'm familiar with.
Which the person we are talk about is in front of me.
"Oh! Heya Monika! Sorry, I didn't notice ya. Hehe!"
She spoke with a charming and cute voice as she beams with a bright smile.
"Oh, hello Sayori. It's fine either way, heh.."
She looked at me happily, is it just me or does she look excited about something?
I mean, I have no problem with that but I wonder what could she be excited about.
Sayori's head rose up to mine and gave me another smile.
This girl.
This girl right here.
Sometimes she just can't stop make people feel her bundle of sunshines surrounding all around them.
Well, perhaps with me as well.
"O-oh, look at the time! I gotta go back to class or I'm gonna be late! Again, welp. Well, see ya at the literature club, Monika!"
Sayori exclaimed very quickly, as she ran off to her class.
I waved goodbye to her and watched her ran away.
I thought she never bother about being late to class?
Welp, maybe she wanted to make a change I guess.
It's not like that she will just run away from me.
Oh, whatever.
I need to get back to class otherwise my perfect record of attendance will be ruined.
I went to my class, luckily the teacher's not here yet so that means I'm not late.
I will just wait until it's club acitvity time then.

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