Am I A Terrible Friend? (Natsuri's Point Of View)

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Author's Notes
This is the exact timeline with the previous chapter, in this chapter will be exactly like what the title says.
Also, I might as well give the characters their middle and last names, hope you don't mind those extra details.

Extreme thanks to the people who have viewed this fanficiton of mine!
I greatly appreciate it.
This chapter shall start now.

The sun is shining brightly and students are very bored in school.
Natsuki is drawing on some papers to distract herself from time and the teacher's boring lesson about why you should go to the school.
''Hm.. Meh, not good enough.''
Natsuki folds the paper and throws it into the rubbish bin since she is close to it.
''Hell yeah, one epic score for me.''
Natsuki thinks to herself as the paper she threw went perfectly into the bin.
The teacher:
''And remember to be nice to each other either in school or outside. Now anyways, flip the page to page 65.''
Natsuki rolls her eyes and continues to draw on another blank paper.
''Pssh.. Like anyone would do that here.''
She is about to draw something until something hits her mind.
''Wait a minute. That reminds me of someone.''
Her expression turns immediately as soon as she remembers that girl.
''Shit. Maybe I should apologise to her.. I didn't actually planned to hurt her feelings like that, and she is also a new student here..''


Natsuki is just walking down the hallway until she accidently bumped into someone.
''H-hey! Watch where you are going, lady!''
She yells at the girl as the girl timidily hides her face with her purple hair.
The girl:
''I-I'm sorry..''
Natsuki realises that lots of books that the girl was carrying fell onto the ground.
Natsuki them grumpily shoves the books to the girl.
''Take your stupid books with you! I don't want to interact with people right now!''
She made a mistake yelling at the girl.
The girl's eyes start to be welled with a little tears.
The girl:
''I-I'm s-so so-sorry.. *Sniffs..''
Natsuki starts to feel a heavy weight on her chest as she feels guilty as well.
''W-wait.. Please d-don't cry..''
The girl quickly takes her books with her and rushes to the restroom.
''What have I done.. I yelled at her just because she bumped into me on a very bad day! I'm so stupid..''
Natsuki walks slowly in the hallways as it starts to fill up with more teachers and students.
Until, someone hit her from the back.
Natsuki immediately gets frustrated for some reasons.
Natsuki's thoughts:
''Seriously, now?! They really want to have a piece of me now, huh?! I'm going to show them that, fucking bullies!''
She turns her back and notice someone.
It's a coral pink haired girl.

<Flashback End>

Natsuki sighs as the bell starts to ring.
The teacher leaves the classroom without warning and the students immediately go out to the canteen.
Natsuki decides to find Sayori, since she thinks that she might be free during the second reccess.
She finds every possible classroom she could have seen.
''Damn it, not here.''
''Not here too. She didn't even told me what is her class, or did she? I don't know, ugh.''
The pinknette thinks to herself until she sees the girl again.
What a surprise that Sayori is from the first class, Natsuki actually thought that she is either from the third class or the fourth class since she thought that she is a dumbass, which she still thinks she is one.
Natsuki opens the door as she notices three girls having a conversation.
They look at her.
''Uhm.. Hi?''

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