Am I A Terrible Friend? (Sayonika's Point Of View)

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Monika is just paying attention to the teacher while Sayori is playing with her pen, feeling bored.
Monika can't help but to stare at Sayori, not concentrating on the lesson.
"How cute.."
Monika thinks to herself as Sayori notices that she have been staring at her.
Sayori sees her and lets out a smile.
Monika suddenly gets startled by her and looks back to her table, blushing a little bit.
She tries to listen back to the teacher but she is too embarassed since she didn't know that Sayori noticed her staring at her.
Sayori shows a confused face but then decides to play with her pen again.
Monika thinks to herself, why did she blush just now and why do she think that Sayori's cute.
"What is wrong with me.. This never happened before.. Something about her smile.. It's just so.."
Monika shakes her head lightly and tries to get her mind back again.
The teacher is explaining his lesson until the bell rings again.
It's the second reccess time.
The teacher then stands up from his chair and walks to in front of the class.
The teacher:
"Okay, everyone. Class is dismissed, just don't do anything.. Repellent. Now thank you, students."
The students thank the teacher and leave the classroom immediately to the canteen.
Monika is just writing her notes about the lesson until two voices interrupt her.
"Heya, Monika—"
"Uhm, greetings Monika—"
Monika quickly responses with a nod, she notices Sayori and her new friend, Yuri.
"Ah, I ap-apologise.."
The purple haired female apologises even if she did nothing wrong.
Sayori then shakes her hand and replies that she doesn't need to say sorry to anyone.
Instead, Sayori apologises too to be even.
Monika then watches them apologising to each other, being confused.
They have apologised to each other, soon silence have arrived to the room within no sounds.
After a few awkward moments, Sayori is the first one to break the silence and have a conversation with Yuri.
"Soooo, you are the tall purple haired girl Monika told me? You look like a smart person!"
Yuri gets embarassed as she stutters with her words.
"O-oh.. I-I am not a-actually a smart person.. B-but thank you for your compliment.."
Sayori smiles as she is getting along with her and knowing more about Yuri, and Yuri smiles as well.
Monika notices their smiles and smiles with them.
"Alright, so Yuri is your name, that's an interesting name! And you like fantasy? Well then, my name's Sayori! And I have absolute no idea what does fantasy means but that sounds pretty neat!"
Yuri compliments her back as she stares at the ground, smiling awkwardly.
" 'Sayori', hm.. I think I never heard anything similiar to your name, that's unique. And maybe you would like to know about fantasy..?"
Sayori agrees to her idea and asks her about the meaning of fantasy.
Monika listens to their lovely conversation as Yuri is explaining the meaning of fantasy.
Monika wants to join into their conversation but she couldn't find a way to not interrupt them in an impolite way.
Sayori notices the look of Monika's face and it seems that she have been left out.
Sayori then cheerfully asks Monika to join in the fun, Yuri agrees as well.
"Oh! Monika! Sorry that we didn't invite you to the conversation, hehe.. But you can join in the fun if you want, that will double the fun we have!"
Monika's head perks up to what Sayori said, she then nods her head lightly.
Three of them have a great conversation with each other and have fun, and of course Monika uses her pen and her notebook.
Sayori then comes up with an idea for the girls and tells them about it.
"Oh, oh, oh! I got a brilliant idea!"
Yuri and Monika looks at Sayori, confused but curious what the idea's about.
"What if we start hang out more with each other? That would be very exciting and most importantly, fun! We can go shopping~ Or go to the movie theatre~ Oh! And maybe we can even have a sleepover! And I can bring my cute frien- I mean, new friend too! Wouldn't that be great for us?"
Sayori shares her idea with them, smiling like a silly person and waiting for their response.
Yuri's eyes opens wide as Monika is astonished by her idea.
Yuri then replies with her answer to Sayori's idea.
"I must say.. Your idea is astounding, it really have me stunned. Unfortunely, I'm quite uncertain if I will have free time. I always either read my novels or doing important things during my free time. But of course, I might as well optimise some time if we are spending time together."
Sayori's eyes lightens up and asks Yuri if she really likes books.
Yuri then nods her head and gives her an answer.
"Perhaps you could tell that I'm some sort of.. A bibliophile, I guess.."
Sayori is confused of the word she just said so she asks her what does it means.
"Ah, ehm, what exactly is, uhm, pibeafile? Sorry I am kind of dumb, hehe.."
Yuri then calmly explains the word for Sayori.
"Ah, I doubt you're dumb, you seems to be a rather silly but curious person. Also it's called 'bibliophile", it means a bibliophile is an individual who loves and frequently reads books. I'm reckoning that people rather use the word 'bookworm' since it's much simpler than 'bibliophile.' "
Sayori starts to get more confused since there's a lot of words she didn't quite understand.
Sayori just lets out a "ooh" to Yuri and asks Monika what does she think of the idea.
Monika then takes out her pen and writes her words into her notebook.
" 'I think your idea is pleasant, however I hope my parents will let me to go outside. I haven't goes outside for a while before school started.' Ooh, okay! I guess we all have the chance to hang out with each other!"
Sayori claims that she is always free so they can hang out anytime they are all free, Yuri and Monika nods as well.
Out of a sudden, there is a sound of the door creaking.
There is a pink haired girl, standing besides the door and holding the door knob.
Sayori seems to be happy to see her and walks toward to the girl.
"Eeek! Natsuki, how do you know I'm in this class?"
Sayori says that as she hugs her.
The pink haired girl is Natsuki, and she slowly pushes Sayori away from her for a few distances.
"H-hey! What did I say about personal place here?! Also about how I find out about your class, it's none of your business."
"(I would die out of embarassment if she find out that I check every possible class I could find to look for her.)"
Natsuki mumbers the last sentence to herself as Sayori happily smiles.
Yuri and Monika notices the pinknette as their voices are quite loud.
Monika realises that her voice sounds familiar, especially her name.
It's the same girl from the hallway who Sayori met up with before school started.
Natsuki stares at both Yuri and Monika.
Everyone is silent.
Natsuki awkwardly asks Sayori what's wrong with them and why they aren't talking.
"Uhm, psst, Sayori? Why aren't they speaking to me? They didn't even make a single noise, I don't really like the silence treatment."
Sayori then answers her by whispering to her.
"Ehm, maybe they are probably too nervous to meet you!"
Natsuki stares back at the two shy girls.
Monika slowly moves her hand and waves to her.
Yuri the opposite, ignores her with a sad expression.
Natsuki looks back from Yuri and feels like she have did something bad to her, which she kind of did.
Sayori then tells everyone to light up a little bit, trying to avoid the awkward slience and tells them to introduce to each other.
"H-hey guys! We should introduce ourselves to each other so we can know more about each other! Is that a good idea?"
All three of them nods in agreement.
Sayori first introduce herself.
"Alrighty then, I'm first! I'm Sayori, and I'm really hungry!"
Monika chuckles quietly to herself as Yuri giggles.
Natsuki throws a cookie wrapper at Sayori.
"Aah!— H-huh?"
Sayori yelps in a little pain but then notices the wrapper and opens it quickly.
Natsuki then laughs and teases her.
"Sometimes you're weird, Sayori. But in a fun way, haha!"
Sayori bites the cookie immediately, Natsuki is shocked and tells her that she will choke herself.
Sayori then claims that she's fine.
" *Noms.. *Noms.. Hm? O-oh! I'm finwh! *Noms.. *Noms.."
Sayori speaks as she is eating, she shallows it and she accidently chokes herself.
"I- AAACK! *Coughs.. *Coughs.. ACK!"
The three girls is shocked to near death and try to calm Sayori down.
"O-oh dear! Sayori, I think you should drink water—"
Monika does the exact opposite of what they did, she stands up from her seat quickly.
Natsuki and Yuri let Monika handles this situation since they both think Monika has a plan for Sayori.
Natsuki exclaims as she tries to stop Sayori from taking another bite from the cookie.
"Oh gosh, she's choking! What should I do..? Oh right! My old tutor taught me how to save someone from choking, I need to do it quick!"
Monika thinks to herself and goes besides her back.
She places her hand on Sayori's chest and lean them forward.
Which basically means that Monika is holding her.
Everyone have gotten quiet.
Sayori stares at the floor while being held by Monika awkwardly, blushing and slowly turning into her red bow.
Natsuki blushes, being dirty-minded while Yuri blushes a little bit and says two words, "Oh my.."
Monika realises what she have done.
Sayori slowly puts away Monika's hand from her chest and tells her she is fine now.
Sayori is blushing intensely and Monika questions her unnecessary actions.
"Mo-Monika! E-everything's a-alright now! I'm fine now! Th-thanks for being ca-caring though, hehe.."
Sayori says that awkwardly while Natsuki and Yuri are questioning each other what's just happened, being mildly confused.
Monika replays the same scene in her head.
She feels like she have became a disgusting person, she doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea, what if her classmates see this, what if her parents find out about this situation she got into.
She can't bear all the consequences she can think of, she just doesn't want to lose another friend again.
Monika can't control herself and leaves the classroom immediately.
After Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki saw her left the classroom, they all feel guilty.
Sayori blames herself for being clumsy as usual, while Natsuki and Yuri also claim that it's their fault as well.
"Oh no.. I think I upsetted her.. What kind of a friend am I..? I'm so bad at friendships, just like MC told me before as a child! He is right all along after all.."
"It's not entirely your fault, Sayori.. Besides, we didn't stop her at first since we thought that she would be better at handling situation like this. But she is better, and what she did just now is what most people do when other people are choking. We can't blame Monika too for that."
Sayori agrees that it isn't Monika's fault, but she still thinks that it's her own fault.
Natsuki starts to get mad after Sayori mentions MC, Yuri just wants Sayori to feel alright now.
"Argh.. Who the fuck is this dude 'MC'. He isn't right at all! You're great at making friends! I'm going to beat his ass up after I find him!"
Sayori tells her that MC is actually a nice guy, it just that this happened when both of them are children, they don't understand about feelings yet.
Natsuki gets pissed off but then tells the two girls that she really feels bad for Monika.
Yuri agrees as well but then asks Sayori to check on Monika.
Sayori nods her head and goes out the classroom to find Monika, leaving Natsuki and Yuri in the classroom.
" (Fuck..) "
Natsuki curses under her breath as Yuri stays silent, staring at the ground.

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