A Whole New School Life And A Friend

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Salvato High School, one of the most popular high schools that have ever existed, many students failed their entry test,
but some passed their entry test, they could be extremely smart students or they are just extremely lucky.
Sayori is one of the luckiest students, she doesn't need to take the entry test.
Monika, on the another hand, she did took the entry test and passed it like any extremely smart students would.
Her mother is very proud of her for passing the entry test while her father just nods his head. Monika is relieved that she passed the entry test so she could enter into this school and didn't make her parents being disappointed at her.

Back to the story,

Sayori walks into the school and sees tons of students and teachers in the school.
A lot of students are chatting and teachers are walking along the hallway so it will be very noisy and tight for Sayori to walk along.
Sayori tries to walk along the hallway to find her classroom until she accidently bumped into someone.
''Oops, sorry for bumping you. It's really tight in here-''
Before Sayori can finish her sentence, the student that she bumped into looks very mad.
The student:
''Hey! Are you trying to pick a fight with me?!''
Sayori then gets frightened by the student's shouting.
"Oh no, I made them mad.."
Sayori thoughts to herself as she starts to apologise even more to the student.
''I'm really sorry! I'm truly sorry, please forgive me!''
The student starts to talk back.
The student:
''Apologies never fix anything! You-''
As the student is about to insult her, a teacher comes and starts to tell the student that their behaviour is unacceptable.
The teacher:
"Young student, this is not how you treat another new student. Apologise to her, now."
The student is shocked and tries to talk back to the teacher.
The student:
"B-but she hit me just now! She deserve it!"
The teacher starts to reply back to the student.
The teacher:
"I'm pretty sure she accidently bumped into you since the hallway is really tight as usual. How about both of you start to be fair to each other? You two can apologise to each other at the same time."
The student then thinks that it is a misunderstooding so they apologises to Sayori while Sayori did the same thing.
The student:
"Oh, shii... I'm really sorry about my attitude, it's just that I'm just.. Not really in a good mood for now.."
"I think I should be the one to be apologising too, hehe.. I mean, I was the one who started it, right?"
The teacher is very happy to see that they made up to each other so he decides to leave them alone.
After the teacher leaves, the student starts to ask Sayori.
The student:
"Hey, you aren't bad. What's your name?"
As soon as Sayori hears the question, Sayori quickly tells the student her name, being excited.
"Oh- My name is Sayori! What about you?"
The student replies back.
The student:
"Jeez, do you have to shout your name? Anyway, name's Natsuki. Want to be friends if you are interested?"
Sayori starts to jump up and down like a child as soon as she hears that Natsuki wants to be her first friend at high school.
"Really?! Of course, I would like to be your friend! I'm sure we are going to best friends, Natsuki, hehe!"
Natsuki covers her ears and stares at Sayori like she did something wrong.
"God dammit, my ears are going to bleed from your screaming! But, at least I have a friend at this school for now.. Just lower your voice next time, okay?"
Sayori quickly nods her head and whispers to Natsuki.
"Alright, ehehe."
Natsuki starts to grin and flips her hair.
"Haha, alright, enough chatting. I need to go to my classroom and you should start running now since after a few minutes, we will be late. Goodbye for now!"
Natsuki starts to run along the hallway to her classroom when Sayori is about to shout at her.
"Goodbye, new friend! We will meet again at lunch!"
Natsuki shouts back.
"Alright, you don't have to scream! I'm not that deaf!"
"But you're so far away, so I'll have to shout to you!"
Natsuki stops her steps and turns around.
''Just get back to your classroom or we'll be late!''
Sayori nods her head and runs to her classroom.
''Okay! Hehe!''
''Weird girl. But in a good way and a fun way, I guess. Hehe.''
Natsuki says that to herself while she returns to her classroom.

Communication Isn't Her Key (Sayonika & Natsuri)Where stories live. Discover now