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It's almost the end of school, students are looking and is extremely paying attention to the time instead of the teachers' lessons.
Yuri is looking at her palm, thinking about what she just witnessed.
"N-Natsuki! What are y-you doing here?!"
"Don't worry, Yuri. I'm here for you."
"Never. Ever. Ever. Call. Yuri. A. Freak."
"Move a muscle. And I slit up your throat with a pocket knife and rip out your guts away from your weak and pathetic body."
"W-why did I say that in front of Natsuki.. She is going to think I'm a psychopath! Uuuu.."
Yuri thinks to herself as she remembers more of what Natsuki said.

"I care about you. I give a fuck and shit about you, Yuri."

Yuri blushes a little bit.

"I like you for that.."

Yuri blushes more than usual and she thinks of that sentence for a while.
She have become a tomato, a light red tomato.
She buries her head into her book, just to hide her face.
"She doesn't mean it like that, Yuri.. Just stop.. Why do I think about her so much.."
Yuri tries to distract herself by reading her book, which it worked like usual.
Meanwhile, Monika is focusing on the teacher's lesson.
Sayori looks at Monika for a while.
She notices her serious expression and decides to do the face too.
Monika notices Sayori as well, and looks at her.
Sayori quickly looks away and changes her expression when she is stared by Monika.
She blushes a little bit and giggles quietly.
Monika looks into her eyes for a while.
One minute feels like it has been turned into an hour.
She is so lost in her bright sky blue eyes that Sayori keeps calling her name softly for a few times.
"Psst.. Psst..! Heya, Monika. Hey hey, Monika? Monikaaa? Monikaaaa. Monika..! Psssst! Monikaaaaaaa.. Earth to Monikaaa!"
Monika finally snaps back to her reality and immediately writes something on her notebook.
" 'Ah, sorry.. I was thinking about something else. What are you trying to say?' It's okay, Monika! Also I'm whispering the quiestest I can be right now, sooo listen carefully, okay?"
Monika nods her head and moves closer to Sayori.
Sayori flinches a little but then move closer as well to her ear.
"Okay, so what I am going to say is really, really, really, really important."
Monika is prepared for what she is going to say, but it's not what she expected.
Sayori blows at Monika's ear which makes Monika startled.
Monika closes her mouth and blushes hardly.
Sayori blushes as well but more intensively.
Sayori's thoughts:
"O-oh my gosh!! Her sound is soo cute! Eeeek! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh goooosh!!! Ah, shoot! I must to apologise to her!"
Sayori thinks to herself as she speaks with stutters between her words.
"Hehe.. S-sorry, Monika.. I'm j-just messing with y-you! I d-didn't meant to s-startled you.."
Monika touches Sayori's ear as revenge.
Sayori's eyes wide opened and she blushes even more after Monika lets her hand go off her ear.
Monika didn't realise what she just did, but slowly blushes and keeps shaking her head, which means she is apologising to Sayori.
Sayori gives Monika a sheepish smile and asks her calm down quietly.
"Ah, it's finee, Monika! Besides I'm pretty sure that's a payback for me, hehe! Now come on and calm down!"
Sayori pats Monika's back to make her feel more relaxed.
Monika takes deep breaths and nods her head lightly.
She smiles with Sayori.
"Oh no, I should be the one who should be calming down... I think my face is heating up moree!"
Sayori thinks to herself, blushing and is about to turn into tomato.
She tries to remain calm as she sees Monika's small smile.
Monika awkwardly looks back to the teacher and Sayori is just back to make her face exactly like Monika's serious expression.
Monika can't really focus straight after she got stuck thinking about that in her mind.
"Did she just.. Did she just blow at my ear..? That's oddly.. Weird. But when I felt her breath, it felt so.. Warm.. And nice I suppose.."
"I really hope she didn't mind when I touched her ear.. That's really unnecessary of me to do that! Uuuu.."
Monika covers her ear as she thinks to herself, she feels that her cheeks is burning for some reasons so she just ignores the fact she is blushing.
Sayori is really 'serious' right now, Monika decides to write some notes for teachers' lessons.
Monika did noticed that Sayori is acting 'serious' and thinks that she is really adorable.
''Heh.. Wait, is she acting like me? I don't look that serious though.. She is so silly, I.. I like that. Huhu..''
Monika thinks to herself, she then starts to wonder what's Natsuki doing in her class right now.
And the fact that she didn't know what happened when she was in the restroom, she just hope everything turns out great for them.
Sayori is trying to understand what's the teacher talking about but she have absolutely no idea.
She glances at Monika's notes a bit and she peeks a little.
It seems like Monika is taking notes about the meanings of the words that she might use soon and is also reading her textbook as well.
''Wow, she's so focused on her studies. Sometimes I just wish I can be more serious like her, hehe. What a great student she is, no wonder people love her in our last middle school. Maybe people also like her when she was a child, we are not from the same kindergarten, right? Sigh..''
Monika catches Sayori looking at her again.
''Ah, shoot. I got caught again—"
Monika tilts her head at Sayori and lets out a confused face.
She writes something on her notebook and shows it to Sayori.
Sayori whispers as she reads.
" 'Sayori, is there something wrong? You do know that you can tell me anything, right?' A-ah! Nothing's wrong, Monika! I do know that of course, I'm just, uhm.. Looking at the beautiful view here! L-like usual, hehe.. But I hope you don't mind!"
Monika stays quiet for a while but then slowly smiles.
Sayori just can't help but to smile again and again whenever she is with Monika, especially when Monika is smiling and having a fun time as well.
Monika returns to her focus as Sayori continues to admire her 'view'.

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