-chapter 8-

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"This one might hurt a little bit." The hacker mumbled as his hands began to sow my cuts and patch up my bruises. I held in the pain, I was used to being battered up now and knowing who I was, I knew I could take it. Yeosang was a nice fellow, young and caring, his skin fair and his hair, black and silky smooth. During this process, I was hand cuffed. My hands in front. I couldn't move much because I knew how much trouble it'd be in.

I knew these guys well. For the short amount of time, they have been here and the time I've been running around hiding in the same place, I began to sympathize with them. None of this was their fault...So I began to question Yeosang. Seeing if the same, kind-hearted person was his was still there. "So, what are you gonna do when Rhea gets her wishes?" Yeosang was silent for a bit, concentrating on the stitch he was on. "I don't know." He seemed unfazed and uncaring by the way he answered. "I suppose all she wants is a perfect world. Just like 'she' wanted all those years ago."

I knew Rhea had always been fishy. Maybe she was meant to the hero to Tiger's story. Hubert was never meant to die but as soon as Rhea decapitated his head, her objective had been completed and the war had started.

"So, what does a guy like you and all of your friends need from me?" I questioned the hacker, trying to boost his ego. He replied with a soft tone in his voice. "We use you as a trap because Alice trusts you enough. The plans a bit sketchy to me but it might just work... We want you in your best conditions." He sighed heavily as began to bandage the stitches. "I don't want to have to work for her but I'm only following her orders. She takes over us like we're her puppets. But hey, what can we do?"

The void became silent again. The echoes of his words stopped as he wrapped the bandage, round and round. His hands so delicate and soft but cold at the touch.

"All done." He smiled as he leapt up and put his hands together. "Right, now..." He leaned forward and his hands reached to my hair. His hands gently pushed my hair behind my ear. "Soooo... What outfit shall we have you wear for our little outing, hmm?" My body was still in my sit. My hands shook as my leg tapped at a nervous pace. "Look I know you don't really think I'm a nice guy. I think this would nice." Yeosang pulled out a clean, black button up shirt with a tie and formal pants. "Thought you'd like something familiar!" His smile continued to glow in the dark void. It's almost as if he is brightening up this scary situation that is about to occur. I didn't know how to even react. "T-Thank you." This felt strange...but I took the suit as a gift. Yeosang uncuffed my hands and I processed to get changed. My body was already exposed to these men. I didn't have any fear of that. Yeosang was minding his business and walked near his work area. His table was filled with paper, computers and drones that all had wires connecting to them.

The suit fit nicely, and I looked into mirror next to Yeosang's table. I felt...comfortable. My bruises were visible and the cut on my lip stung when touched but I looked good.

As I tidied myself, Jongho can close to the table that Yeosang was sitting at. He began to exchange the plan amongst themselves whilst I stayed looking in the mirror. Jongho kept side eyeing me however, making sure I didn't run or do anything stupid. I minded my own business until I saw a folded yellow sticky note in the corner on the mirror. I muffled under my own breath the words that was written on it...

"Send message...Alice...Thursday."

My confused self, pondered at the note.

What could this mean? Did Alice come to her home because of a message? And why is this with Yeosang?

A sudden tap at the shoulder made me slightly jump. I turned slowly as Yeosang grabbed my wrists. He was holding a small bracelet and began to put in on my left wrist. He adjusted until it fit on and wouldn't come off. "This is your communicator. You will be able to talk to us and we will be able to hear you and your surroundings." He was talking as if he was a flight attendant giving out safety instructions. His voice is still soft but monotone, as if he was forced to be harsh to because Jongho was here, standing in the corner with his arms crossed and mean, glaring eyes. "You will not be able to break, rip, escape for this whatsoever and if you do..." Yeosang holds his bracelet and shows a holographic button of all the members faces and scrolls through them, landing on my face. "Here I will be able to control your body or force you down with a special thing I like to call 'Nap time.' So don't bother running or doing anything suspicious."

I nod my head, agreeing to him. I felt my heart race as Jongho kept stating his round eyes towards me. I didn't want to fuck around with these guys.

God dammit. Why here. Here in Wonderland. Alice, please forgive me.

Yeosang began to pack up his things, grabbing drones and his computer and extra wires for this expedition we are about to do. Jongho helps him by carrying bags of equipment for the rest of the crew that are stashed in the closet. I stand in silence as I wait for my 'instructions,' being the obedient servant. As they both walk out, Yeosang guides his head towards the door, requesting that I follow them.

As I follow them out into the void, I began to think about the note that Yeosang had on his mirror. This seems weird as Alice came to the house on the Friday. These theories are bugging me, but I have to find out the truth before Rhea has complete control over me. If I'm going out with these guys then surely I could find Alice before they do. It would be a pretty risky situation but what can I do to warn her?

When we arrived at the main area of the void with all the other members, Rhea and Alice's resting body, San stood in front of me with longish hair and mean stare, he shoved his shoulder into my right arm as he stood next to me. Man, he must really hate me. The others lined up with their hats and masks and kneeled, bowing down to the dragon in front of us. Rhea stayed silent as the members orderly walked towards the blackhole. As I was walking I felt a sudden hand on mine. San was being sure that a fucker like me stayed in his place. And keep it there as we walked into Wonderland again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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