chapter 21

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Heya sinners! So since my lemonessss is kinda a bit short? Like really short and that it looks like they did a quick lemon so I had been thinking VERY HARD that I should made an extra lemon! Though he will be just pleasuring all by himself
so that he sated himself (guess he didn't get enough last night) but oh well. Hope ya enjoy~ cuz I am torturing myself while writing something like this and I think I lost a few blood? (From nosebleed while writing this) damn how do writers do this without torturing themselves? Anyway I really HOPE ya enjoy. Wait no. You WILL enjoy this! Okay now you may continue with your reading~

A few days ago.
After talking- well more like threatened the scientist. When blackhat dismissed the scientist after threatened him he watched the scientist hurriedly walk away from his office and when the door shut closed, blackhat was quiet for a moment as he watched the door where the scientist walk out and then bared his teeth in annoyance as he felt the urge to follow the scientist just to check if he... accidently killed himself. Blackhat turn into a shadow as he was outside of his office. He was in the corner of the ceiling and was hidden very well in the shadows as he watched the scientist talking to that despicable bear. Blackhat was a bit bored watching them talking but soon his boredom disappeared as it was replaced with...




It's something else but it's almost the same as anger and annoyed yet different. He look at the bear hugging the scientist...

His scientist

How dare that repulsive bear have the nerved to hug something what was his?! Why didn't he destroyed that stupid bear again? Ah yes, so that his scientist wouldn't feel alone when he started working here but THAT doesn't mean he would do something so intimate? So close to eachother. Blackhat didn't realize that he was releasing a dark aura in the atmosphere, making the air a bit thicker and uncomfortable. He knew that the scientist was very closed and very fond with the bear for years, and seen them hugging and being so..intimate with eachother but everything seems changed since that accident and Blackhat couldn't help but being a bit... possessiveness? And this other feeling that he couldn't quite point his finger into it, He just couldn't stop this... unknown feeling bubbling in his stomach. He watched the two who is still hugging but soon the hug was break when they felt uncomfortable making blackhat relax and pleased when he saw they are now not in a physical contact, still not noticing that his aura he just released disappeared. He watched the two talking for a bit and then started to walk away, when they are out of sight blackhat disappeared in the shadows as he reappeared back in his office and took a seat in his magnificent dark chair as thoughts appearing in his head some are about the accident but mostly...last night. He remembered every part and every moment of how he was enjoying doing sexual activities with his scientist that night, how blinded he was by lust, how he viciously ram into him, the way how pure his scientist was as he slowly taking his pureness away, the way he moans and sob in the bed and begging. Blackhat unconsciously grinning horrifically as he drooled green saliva at that thought, he leaned on his chair as he loosened his tie and unbuttoned a few of the dress shirt buttons. Black Hat's clawed hand unconsciously reached the bulge and traced along it, and the demon hissed when his body responded.  It was...a different sensation but he did not dislike it.  Black Hat never allowed himself to lose himself to pleasure often. It had been...decades, since he had done this.  Even longer since he'd had touching himself like this. But right now...right now, the memories last night was making him slowly lossing himself from pleasures and lust. Oh his  impenetrable innocent walls, the way it hugs his appendage so  well and the way he tied him up with his tentacles to hold him in place as he trying very hard to break free from his tentacles only to fail. Blackhat growled at the fabric that was preventing him from pleasuring himself further more, he snap his finger as his pants and tailcoat disappeared leaving only his dress shirt all unbuttoned making his chest and stomach visible and a loosened tie. Black Hat wrapped his hand around a writhing appendage. Black Hat flicked the tip of the wriggling appendage, writhing slightly, along with the rest of his body.  Even the tentacles that had burst out of his back thrashed briefly, reacting to his mood, mouths appeared in the tentacles as it makes a pleasuring low growl. Blackhat had no idea how delicious his scientist was, the time he buried his fangs into that soft pale skin causing a cute whimper from the human and how he licked his blood making him shamelessly moan. Oh that sweet delectable blood of his, the noise his scientist was making made him feel aroused just remembering the sound of his angelic voiced as it slowly break into a helpless sobs. Black Hat ran his fingers along deftly, no rhythm really needed.  A squeeze of the his appendage, and his body reacted. Every stroke, every touch, served to satisfy his body. Blackhat would loved to hear the human broke into a sobs and then moaning messed when the pleasure reached him, and wanted to mark him more. Blackhat noticed his bite mark on the scientist earlier, oh sweet Satan when he noticed it he wanted to licked it badly but resisted himself as he didn't wanted to get to feel any more humiliation then he already was, but leaving more marks on him is Soo... tempting. Not mark as mate but as a property. Marking him to indicate him to be his


The human was already his the moment he step into his minor

His human

His scientist


Black Hat growled as his hand squeezed, and a few mouths of the tentacles out of his back let out pleased growls over the thought of Flug being his. Black Hat ran his hand along faster, teeth baring in savage delight. Maybe engaging sex with his human wasn't so bad especially when he get to watch his face, those fascinating scars. Oh the way his beautiful fire like eyes look at him in horror as it slowly covering it with tears and how anguish he was. Blackhat nearly purr at the memory

The mouths that were on the demon's tentecles shrieked out their pleasure at the one final stroke, and Black Hat allowed himself to languish against his chair with a low growl of satisfaction. Black Hat looked at the sticky, slimy mess he had left on the desk, floor and himself. Guess he didn't get enough last night. Black Hat considered the limp tentacle that was still slick with his release, and shrugged as he took it back in hand to try and wipe the mess off.  First, he needed to clean up.

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