chapter 28

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Flug felt a deja Vu but quickly dismissed it cuz what's important right now is his boss glaring down at him waiting for his answer. Blackhat was starting to get impatient when flug just staring at him frozen in fear


Blackhat said irritatedly when finally flug snap out of it and started to stuttering

"I-i-i w-was g-going to b-buy some parts f-for t-the inventions, s-sir"

Blackhat notice that his scientist's stuttering goes back to normal and not gotten any more worse. Good.



"I said no"

Okay, what? He can't finish his inventions if he can't get some parts of it!

"B-but sir! I need to buy some parts for the products" flug said

"Then let those robots do it" blackhat said flatly

"Sir, if one of our robots go out then one of the civilians will call one o-of the heroes a-and eliminate it. E-especially w-when i-its from us"

Well the robots is highly known and everyone recognized the designs, especially when there's a black top hat on them.

"let that bear do it then"

Flug almost wanted to yell 'NO!' when he suggested his baby. 505? Going outside of the manor? Without his eyes on him? He might get kidnapped! Or worse! Killed! What if those people call a hero and kidnapped him? Hurt him? Or take him to their base?! Torturing him?! just to get information of them? or to get to him?  they know how attach he was to the bear, that would be problamatic. Nononononono not in a million years he would let his baby out of his sight. Nope, not ganna happen

"Pardon me sir, but 505 is a bear, a blue bear that could quickly attract attention, and could possibly be kidnapped by the heroes association and bring him to their base. And he could barely understand what kind of parts I needed for the products" flug said without even stuttering. This is making blackhat irritated

"Then let dementia do it"

"Sorry sir but... dementia" flug said while he stare at his boss with a face that saying 'are you sure about that, sir?'

Ya blackhat probably shouldn't have suggest that. But still

"You still won't go out" blackhat said sternly

"But sir, what about-"

"I'll hire someone to get them, just list the things you needed and give it to me in my office" before flug could protest he quickly vanished leaving him with his confused thoughts

"Just what the fuck happened?"

flug was already frustrated at his boss' and was planning to calm himself down by going out to take some fresh air without strange and weird happening to him but his boss seems to have another plan in mind and he did not like this at all! all flug wanted was to get some nice walk and buy some parts and treats for 505 and he couldnt even get that? and now he is (dare he say) getting annoyed at his boss' strange behavior. and he had enough of this! he had been through hell these few strange months and he is going to get an answer whether his boss likes it or not, even if he get himself killed but flug knows his boss well enough that he wouldn't go too far as to killing him because that would be a big impact for his company since he's the only scientist and inventor to make his customer's fantasies to life. and flug was glad at that. he didnt care if he would get himself hurt, he was already used to it by now. if he wants to know what's going on and fix this then he need to face his boss. As the saying goes no pain, no gain. Right?

flug annoyedly walk through the hallway, despite wearing a bag on his head it's pretty visible to see that the scientist was- no, IS annoyed because his emotions is visible through the goggles. when he arrived at the big double doors he knock three times and waited and heard his boss said come in. when he got his permission he walk in without trembling nor hesitation cuz he was too blinded with his anger. when he come in and walk towards his boss and stop 4 meters away from his boss who turn his chair to face him. 

blackhat look at him emotionlessly. it was clear that his scientist was angry and annoyed for some reason which piqued his interest and curiousity. blackhat could smell the anger coming from his scientist and he was fascinated that he didnt smell any fear but instead anger! and not only that, blackhat could also sense that his scientist is angry because of him?. well this is going to be interesting

"may I have the permission to speak, sir?" Flug said without even a single stutter which to blackhat's surprised

"You may" blackhat said calmly as he watch his scientist with interest and curiousity

"Sir, I wanted to know as to why you won't allow me to go outside of the manor?"

Blackhat didn't spoke at first as he was trying to find an answer while he look at his scientist waiting for him to answer

"Why do ask?" Blackhat said dodging the question and his scientist noticed it

"Because this last few months you have been acting very weird and so strange. And I also wanted to know as to why you have been preventing me getting close to the customers when I needed to ask them More details about their requests! Like you dislike other people getting so close to me like your getting all so.... possessive? " Blackhat was about to quickly reject it  when flug continue to spoke and the next thing he said got blackhat got off guard and to his horror "and don't think I haven't noticed you watching me like a some kind of hawk. Walking in the hallways, in the lab, kitchen, living room, AND even my room I could literally feel you watching me! And it CREEPS me out! I couldn't even take my bag and goggles off when I sleep because I could feel your eyes watching me in the shadows! And Because of that I couldn't even sleep properly even though I can finally sleep for extra hours but how can I sleep when there's a freaking demonic being IN my room! If I hadn't known better I'm starting to think you have inloved with me which would be funny when we both know that can't be true"  flug let out a little chuckle at the last part but for blackhat he was really frozen and couldn't or didn't know to say...

I mean what could he say?

When....he, THE inferior blackhat is INDEED Inlove with his scientist


AHHHHH FINALLY! HE FINALLY ADMIT IT! well not to flug. Not yet. But the readers finally hear him admit it! And I can't believe I finished this chapter in the middle of my test! HAH! Don't worry guys flug's reaction will be interesting...well interesting for me I don't know about you guys, you'll be the judge of that. I hope you guys didn't waited impatiently. Anyways quick question:

Would you rather embarrassed flug?


Would you rather embarrassed blackhat?

I'm just asking this for no reasons. I'm just bored to death and with my tests, and modules accompanying me. Your comments will save me from this wretched boredom of mine

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