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after that day, they both finally fix their complicated situation and confessed each other's feelings. (well it took blackhat a lot like A LOT of pride to confess his feelings) but it all went well. though they made their relationship a secret outside from the mansion or when there is a customers for flug's safety. though flug tried his best to convince him that he could handle himself just fine but blackhat doubt it. sure he admit flug is a good shooter and had some self defense technique but if anyone knows their relationship flug will be the main target to all heroes and villains just to get through him because he is his only weakness. so blackhat stand to his words and flug finally gave up.

everything went well these passed few days. and flug miraculously convince blackhat to tell the truth about their relationship to the rest of the crew.

when 505 heard the news he was overjoyed! his dream finally come through and he was happy for his papa and 'daddy'! they can be a happy family now. they would be a 'happy' family if it weren't for that certain lizard looking so devastated. though it surprised 505 of how she didn't attack his papa the moment they confess their relationship to them instead she was heart broken and devastated but didn't attack or yell in anger, she was...just stunned with a broken look on her face. 505 felt sorry for the lizard girl, he knows how much she loved the eldritch with all her heart.

dementia was heart broken at the news. sure she was happy to see them and especially blackhat happy really hurts. she cried every night and avoiding seeing the scientist incase she would lash out on him and would get in trouble by the eldritch. but after a few weeks she slowly recover from her heart broken state and started or try to move on. after 3 months passed by she was slowly being herself again like visiting the scientist to annoy him for fun and scared the blue bear the life out of him. and when she get too bored she would annoy blackhat by continuing flirting with him or making flug jealousy by flirting blackhat in front of him and sometimes blackhat found it amusing to see him jealous over him that he would let dementia do her flirt with him a little bit longer and endure it but it was worth it.

Flug was now in his laboratory doing his work. It was already late but he needed to finish this product for tomorrow's advertisment and he was almost done he just needed to concoct the poison. When he took a cylinder he felt someone a body pressed against his back as he felt arms wrapped around his stomach.

"Still working?"

He heard his boss spoke. Flug could hear the boredom and annoyed in his boss' tone. They're relationship are getting better and better and blackhat is getting very...gentler and more caring this passed few days and Flug like it

"Sir, I need to finish this for tomorrow's advertisment and I'm almost done. I just need-"

"It's 3:36 am, you idiot" blackhat cut him as he glare at him "I may not know humans that properly but I know enough that you need more sleep. I heard some of your kind died in stressed or didn't get enough sleep. I can't believe you creatures can die something so ridiculously as that"

Flug let out a giggle as he turn his head to look at blackhat behind him "heard? Or did you research what our bodies needs?" Blackhat look at him with wide eyes as he turn his head away not looking at his scientist. Flug could see a tint of pale green appeared on his boss' face as he grumble something with a language that flug couldn't quite comprehend. Flug let out a yelped when he was carried in bridal style by his lover as they walk out of the lab. The eldritch headed to his- well their room while carrying his stubborn scientist complaining about 'he needed to finish the product' and 'tomorrow is his deadline'

"Dr. Flug, I am your boss and I am ordering you to rest" blackhat could feel his scientist eyeing him like he was observing him

"Are you sure that's all, boss? Or you just can't sleep without me?" Flug tease as blackhat glared at him with annoyance but he could feel his face burning Abit

"Shut up or I swear I wont make you walk for a month" blackhat threatened. Flug chuckled nervously and then he keep his mouth shut.

When They arrived at their room blackhat magically open the door and walk in and closed the door behind him as he walk towards the edgy king size bed as he put his scientist on the bed. Blackhat snap his fingers and the scientist's clothes change into his blue pajamas with little airplanes on it, while blackhat just took his coat, vest and necktie as he climbed to the bed and trying to get comfortable when he felt his scientist hug him and let out an adorable yawn. Blackhat noticed that his scientist still didn't took off his paperbag so he took the paperbag to see his adorable face. The scientist didn't react when he felt his paperbag took off, he's used to it about his boss without warning suddenly took his paperbag off. He felt a claw combing his hair as he snuggle to the eldritch

"You really like to snuggle do you?" He heard his boss said as flug snuggle once more

"That's because your sooooooo snuggable" the scientist said sleepily

"I'm pretty sure snuggable is not-"

"Well it is now" flug cut him off as he snuggle again as he buried his face into the eldritch's chest. "Goodnight, boss" blackhat response in a hum as he gently comb the back of his hair as he hugged his lover who is finally fall into his deep slumber. Everything went soo well and much more better than before. Blackhat couldn't ask more than this. He thought he is better being alone but he had no idea how pleasurable it is to have someone by your side, to love you as much as you love him, the feeling of warmness inside his cold-dead body, and the beating of his dead heart.

"I guess love is not so stupid as I thought"

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