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Dr flug was screaming in pain as he hold tightly at his demonic lover. He was in his laboratory laying on the hospital bed and a villain doctor was on the opposite side of blackhat


Blackhat rolled his eyes at how dramatic his lover is

"Oh will you stop being such a baby-" blackhat was cut off when he saw flug grab his tie and pulled him closer to his face. He was pissed

"YOU!" blackhat gulp as he look at his pissed off lover " YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Flug said accusingly " I WILL FIND THE MOST HOLY WATER, A CLOVES AND A FUCKING BIBLE AND MAKE YOU EAT IT! AND PUT A FUCKING HOLY CROSS ON YOUR HORNY ASS! AUGHHH FUCK!" flug groan in pain as he gritted his teeth. Now blackhat could feel himself sweating as he mentally chuckle. Nahh he wouldn't do that, right? I mean flug loves him so much so he wasn't serious...right?

"Since you don't have a Virginia to get the baby out I will just do a caesarean section is that alright with you?" The doctor ask as he put on a gloves


"yes, yes they do" the doctor calmly said as he grab an injection

A long hours later. Dementia and 505 was waiting outside of the lab looking all worried when all the screaming and shouts everything went silent. The two subordinates perked up when they heard a crying child through the lab

Back in the lab. The doctor finally got the baby out as he wrapped it with a fluffy yet soft white towel as he shush the crying baby. The doctor look at the eldritch who look at his arms in fascination

"Sir, can you hold the baby while I stitch back Dr flug?"

The eldritch look at him and then at the baby with uncertainty, he sigh as he nodded. The doctor walk towards the eldritch as he held out the baby while the eldritch reached the baby with uncertainty and with nervousness

"How do i..?" The eldritch being ask as he really had no idea hold a baby but all he knows is that they are much more fragile than humans

"Just hold him like this"


"Yes, it's a boy"

blackhat followed his instructions as he finally hold the baby. At first he was stiff the moment he held it but then he relaxed as he looked down. Blackhat dont know what's this warm sensation he's feeling inside him and he swear he could feel his dead heart flutter while looking at that small sleeping being in his arms.  The child look a lot more like flug. He had a pale soft skin, he's hair was a bit darker unlike flug's. The moment the baby open it's eyes it had his eyes. Guess he had some small trait of his then. But oh dear Satan he looks like a fallen angel. He never thought something like this can be Soo precious. He didn't even thought that he would get a chance to experience this in his life. He never in his life felt so grateful to flug for giving him this opportunity

The moment the baby open it's eyes and landed on blackhat the baby smiled  showing those tiny yet sharp piranha-like-teeth as it let out cute baby noise while trying to reach blackhat with it's tiny Chubby arms. Oh he had his teeth too! Only white. This scene is making blackhat felt a dozen arrows hit his chest. a sin. How dare he had flug's adorableness traits. And one of his weakness. Now he had two adorable beings living in his mansion.

2 hours later the doctor finally finished stitching flug as he take off his gloves. The doctor walk towards the eldritch who plays with his child. The doctor was still in surprised to see the most vilest and ruthless being can be so tender and (dare he say) lovingly. The doctor walk up to the eldritch and cough to get his attention. The eldritch seems annoyed at the interruptions

"Dr flug needs to rest for a week before he can get out of the bed and he needed to eat more healthy foods and he shouldn't work for a week" the doctor stated

"When will he wake up?" Blackhat said as he look at his lover who is peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed

"In a bout an hour" the doctor said as he took his tools and medicines back on his briefcase "oh and congratulations Lord blackhat. Now I must be going"

The doctor leaves the lab when suddenly the two subordinates rushed up to him and asking him a lot of questions

"You all can go in now, the baby and Dr flug is fine. Now I must go, I need to torture my favorite hero" and with that the doctor leaves as dementia and 505 quickly walks in and to find Dr flug on the bed sleeping and blackhat holding something in his arms. With curiosity the two slowly yet cautiously walk up to the demon and look at what's in his arms. When they look at the small being in awed

"Awwwww! I can't believe im ganna be an auntie of a cute angel!" Dementia squeal

"Braw ror rawr broawr! (I had another sibling!)" 505 said

"Is it a girl?! Please tell me it's a girl! We need more girl here in this gloomy mansion!" Dementia said

"To bad, it's a boy" blackhat said as he mischievously smirk

"Hey did you guys already think of a name?" Dementia ask as she look at the little bean

"...we hadn't discussed that part yet" blackhat said as he look at his child

"Really?how about paper and then his last name will be hat! Paper hat! Y'know like combining-" Dementia joke as looked at he annoyed

"I get it"

After an hour later flug finally woke up as he felt pain in his stomach but this is more endurable than before. He turn his head to see black hat seating next to his bed carrying something in his arms

"Blackhat?" Flug said weakly. The moment flug spoke blackhat quickly stand up from his seat and look at his lover

"Flug? Are you still in pain? Are you hungry? I'll call 505 to-" flug giggle at his lover, it amused him to see him like this

"I'm still in pain but this is much more endurable than before" flug look at blackhat's arms " that?" Blackhat smile as he slowly yet carefully handed the child to his lover. Flug gladly reached out and carefully hold his baby. Flug look at their baby and unconsciously smile, he could feel his eyes getting watery

"It's a boy" flug heard blackhat spoke softly as they both look at their child smiling

"He's so small" flug said as blackhat agree, he hum in reply after a few peaceful and calmly moment Blackhat broke the silent

"What should we name him?" Flug hum. They didn't think a name did they?

"How about we let the readers help us figure out a name?" Flug suggest

"I don't know..." Blackhat said with uncertainty

"Come on" flug said " pleaseeeee?" Flug look at him with that...with that look...that look...

"Ughhh fine. As long as the name fits with the last name, and his last name is hat!" Flug rolled his eyes and giggles

"Alright. But Just to be clear mine is much more better than yours" blackhat gasped dramatically offended

"Excuse me? Mine is sounds more professional!" Blackhat defend

"Hat? A hat?" Flug look at him flatly

"Mine is just unique"

"Well... Let's just let the readers choose his last name whether it's hat or slys"

Blackhat look at the readers with a threatening look as he smile showing all his shark-like teeth as if he's giving them a warning

"Choose wisely readers" ....


Hey guys! I finally choose to make a sequel! Since I won't be able to make a new story this month. School problems, again. So I hope you guys enjoy the sequel! Love y'all my darlings! 💕

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