Triggers and Trauma

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After spending the evening with Rowan and giving her a safe place, I escorted her to the local police department. She spoke to the desk clerk, who got a police officer for her. The officer led us to her desk and sat down with us.

Rowan handed the officer her personal protection paperwork and explained the situation to the officer. After taking notes and reviewing the paperwork, the officer spoke.

"I'll inform my captain about your situation and put out an APB on Mr. DeChamp."

"Why would someone violate a restraining order?" I asked.

"Because most people believe they won't get caught or reported. It's a narcissistic quality to the perp. My best advice is to protect yourself. Walk with someone when traveling from place to place. Carry pepper spray on you so if the person comes close, you can escape. Take self-defense classes to disable the person to give you time to getaway. Pay attention to your surroundings."

"Why should Rowan worry about her safety when she did nothing wrong?"

"It's not about her doing something wrong. A narcissist doesn't care about the other person. It's about control and a glorious idea about themselves. Most people don't realize a narcissist invades their life until they're in a relationship. They're cunning and dangerous."

I glanced at Rowan as she shifted in her seat.

"Here is my business card. Call me if you spot Mr. DeChamp."

I took the card from the officer and handed it to Rowan. We stood, walked out of the police station, and stopped.

"I was hoping to leave my past behind and move on with my life. But Robbie has once again succeeded in wreaking havoc in my life," Rowan said.

"It's because Robbie never had anyone fight back. If you need to control a female because you have some absurd need for control, you're a coward."

"All my life, I dealt with a crazy fanatical mother, my father leaving, and an ex who wants to destroy me. All I want is someone who loves and respects me. Is that too much to ask?"

I stepped towards Rowan and rested my palms on her upper arms. "Baby, you deserve love and respect. You're an exceptional person who deserves everything that life has to offer. If you allow me, I want to be the one that helps you achieve it."

Rowan nodded. I pulled her into a hug and held her. We stood in front of the police station as I held Rowan. She needed reassurance, not empty words.

After a few minutes, we strolled to my house while holding hands. When we entered the house, Jayden was waiting alone for us. I introduced Rowan to Jayden and excused myself.


After Pat left Rowan and me alone, we sat down. I sat on the couch while Rowan sat in a chair. Abuse victims suffer from trauma and triggers. Something will trigger the trauma, and the person will relive the trauma again. I wanted Rowan to talk without getting triggered.

"Pat gave me a brief explanation of what happened to you. I want to know that you're safe. If you ever feel threatened, you need to contact the police."

Rowan nodded.

"You can discuss whatever is your comfort level. We can talk about anything you want."

Rowan nodded, then spoke. I jotted notes as she talked about different things. I asked questions through various points of the conversation. She didn't mention the abuse, and I didn't press the issue. She'll talk when she's ready. Right now, she needed to speak and develop trust without judgment.

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