If you play with fire, you will get burn

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Ryder and I sat in hospital chairs as a guy groaned and opened his eyes. We stood and walked towards the bed.

The guy glanced at us. "Who are you?"

"The girl you knocked out and left a goose egg on her head is my niece. That's her granddaddy." Ryder pointed at me.

The guy tried to get up and found his wrists handcuffed to the bed rails. "What the? Let me go!"

"Oh, we'll let you go, alright," I said.

Ryder released the locks on the bed. We rolled the punk-ass bitch out of the hospital room. People glanced at us, but it didn't matter. They thought we were doctors. It helps when you have access to doctor's coats because you're a paramedic and your wife is a nurse.

The guy yelled.

Ryder shoved a roll of gauze into his mouth. "I wonder how our dear cousins are fairing."

"Better than us. This dicklicker is heavy."

Ryder chuckled.


Frisco and I waited for that moron to come strolling out of his office.

"How did we get roped into this bullshit?" Frisco asked me.

"Dumb luck, I guess." I shrugged.

A few minutes later, the weaseled appeared. We hurried to the guy, pulled our guns, and placed the barrel at his head.

The idiot raised his hands. "Please don't kill me. You can have my wallet and anything else you want." The guy blubbered like an idiot.

Frisco looked at me. "Do you believe this asshole? He thinks we want to rob him?"

"There's no accounting for intelligence," I said.

Frisco marched the guy to the car, shoved him into the backseat, and joined him. I put my gun away and climbed into the front seat. I pulled out and drove to an undisclosed location.

Our family doesn't like it when you mess with us since our grandfather was Ryan Jones. Granddad had a fierce loyalty to family. If you messed with us, you weren't breathing for long.

Now to take the trash out for good.


We came out of the laundry door with the hospital bed, unlocked the handcuffs, and dragged that douche's sorry ass to a van. We tossed him into the back and closed the door. He screamed, but it didn't matter. Only bitches scream.

We climbed into the front. I drove while Ryder pointed a gun at the schmuck.

"Stop screaming. No one cares if you're walking around and breathing. Well, we don't."

I smirked. The guy's eyes swelled in horror. Well, don't mess with family, especially mine.

We arrived to find Frisco and Evan waiting for us with the douche's daddy. We got out and dragged the sorry ass out of the back. He stumbled forward. Frisco popped the trunk, pulled out a shovel, and handed it to the guy.

The guy took the shovel. "What do you want me to do with this?"

I walked over to the guy as my brother and cousins gave us space. "Dig."


"I said dig. You want to fuck with my family, then dig your grave. Now, dig the fucking hole," I said through clenched teeth.

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