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Rafe and I headed to the bakery because Robbie wouldn't follow us since Sage's family owns it.  We ordered a coffee and found a table.

"Okay, you dragged me through campus. Now spill," Rafe said.

"The guy that was with me is my ex-boyfriend."

Rafe cocked his brow.

"I have a restraining order against him."


I took a deep breath, exhaled, and tried to calm my nerves. "Because my ex almost killed me."

Rafe's brows raised. "Say what?"

I pressed my lips together.

Rafe leaned on the table. "What do you mean that your ex almost killed you?"

"I met Robbie while hanging out with my friends. He was sweet until we started dating. Then he started to control me. He talked me into having sex with him. Afterward, he would get angry if I did anything he didn't like. He thought I was flirting with my brother and beat the hell out of me." My hands trembled as I gripped my coffee cup.

Rafe knitted his brows.

"Reese told her brothers, and they handled Robbie. Sage's family helped me with the legalities. The best part was my mom blamed me because I didn't follow God's path."

"So, you have a psychotic ex and a religious fanatic for a mother. Makes sense."

I sipped my coffee.

Rafe leaned back in his chair. "Have you told Pat?"

"No, because I didn't think there was a reason to tell him."

"Shouldn't you tell Pat since your psycho ex is here? A heads up would be nice."

"I want to tell Patrick, but I don't want to ruin anything before it starts."

"Not telling Pat will ruin anything before it starts."

I knitted my brows.

"Rowan, my brother has no issue if you have an ex who's a dick. He has an issue if you keep things from him. He hates liars and cheaters."

"Because of Camille."

"Prime example. Camille spewed so much shit that her breath constantly stunk."

I raised my brows.

"Look, I can't tell you what to do, but I suggest that you talk to Pat. Plus, your ex sounds like a douchebag who has a dick stuck permanently up his ass."

Wow. Rafe has a colorful outlook on life.

"Would you do me a favor?" I asked Rafe.

"Does it involve jail time?"

"I don't think so."

"Then I'm all ears."

"Could you walk me home?"

Rafe nodded. I didn't want to risk the chance of running into Robbie.


I came home from class.

Romeo walked out of the kitchen, eating a sandwich. "Why do you look like Camille reappeared?"

"Thanks for sending my dick into the witness protection program."

"It's not my fault you stuck your dick inside that troll." Romeo waved his sandwich at me.

"I was drunk."

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