Marty's Graduation

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Little brother made it to graduation by the skin of his teeth. I'm not talking about grades. He spent more time in the principal's office for pranks and fighting. It's a good thing that our uncle and cousin are the principal.

What do I mean by Patton being both? Well, he's a cousin by blood and uncle by marriage. Oliver still teases Kaxon by calling him uncle/cousin. We laugh, and Dad cautions us. Well, don't keep it in the family.

We arrived at Marty's graduation and found a seat.

"Ah, graduation. It was boring when we attended it and still boring," Rafe said.

"Hey." Dad snapped his fingers at Rafe.

Rafe looked at Dad.

"I've had sit through four graduations with you and your brothers. I survived, and you will, too. Now, shut your mouth," Dad told Rafe.

"Ha! Dad yelled at you," Romeo said.

"You, too," Dad told Romeo.

Val and I snickered as Romeo grumbled.

"Christ, I've got the peanut gallery sitting with me," Dad told Ma.

Ma chuckled. We sat and waited as someone spoke.

"Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me," the person said.

We looked to see Bailey squeezing past people to an empty chair in the row in front of us. She sat down in a chair. Val and I glanced at each other. Rowan leaned forward and tapped her shoulder.

Bailey craned her neck. "Oh, hey, guys." She turned her body slightly.

"What are you doing here?" Rowan asked her.

Yeah, we were curious ourselves.

"Marty asked if I would come to his graduation. I said yeah," Bailey said.


"Because we're friends."

"Since when?"

"Since our senior year in high school."

We gave Bailey a sideways glance.

Bailey rolled her eyes. "There's no rule that guys and girls can't be friends."

"There is when you like the person," Romeo said.

Bailey arched her brow. "Unlike you, guys and girls can be friends. Plus, it's nice to talk to someone while everyone deals with their issues. And you all have issues."

"That's rude," Rafe said.

"Why? It's the truth. Let's see. We dealt with Pat's barracuda, Ro's psycho ex, Val's daddy role, Romeo and Sage arguing, your avoidance, and Reese's insecurities. Don't get me started on the cousins and Ro's brother."

Our brows raised.

"Besides Leokadia, I had someone to talk to that isn't drama-filled."

"You gave us food poisoning on my birthday," Val told Bailey.

"You shouldn't have eaten the eggs." Bailey shrugged.

"You had the police chase us in Mexico," Romeo said.

"No, I didn't. Someone insulted my hair, so I told the person to piss off. The police were a bonus." Bailey smirked.

We stared at Bailey in disbelief.

"Now, excuse me. I came to support my friend." Bailey turned back around.

"I came to support my friend." Romeo mocked Bailey.

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