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I could not believe it. Snatched. Kidnapped. Taken hostage. How? And even more, for what? 

To understand what just happened, I had to rewind back to the start of my day. 

The bright sunshine eased through the windows, ticking my face and announcing the new day. I rolled over to see that it was about a quarter past seven. I watched the sky for a few more moments, relishing the feeling of a refreshing night. The day before, I had visited a bar and talked to many people I didn't know. Many of their facial features were blurred in memory, but the feeling of comfort was all the same. the city was celebrating the arrivals of the Krasna-Giorno owners, and it sure outdid itself. Everyone was running on a high. I was shaking hands with many people that night. They generally liked my presence, as always. 

I yawned and glanced at the clock again. Eight o'clock! I had spent forty-five minutes doing what exactly? I had a tour to get onto. It started in an hour, and I had so much to do. As quickly as I could, I took a shower and picked out a suitable outfit for a sightseeing tour. Thank goodness Australia let me borrow his wide brim hat for my trip. It would be essential, as well as a water bottle and sunscreen lotion. Figuring I'd get food downstairs, I rushed to the lobby to find a queue to get into the dining area. A man in front of me tisked loudly with his tongue, muttering about being late somewhere. Judging by his sharp suit, it wasn't to a sightseeing tour. But I could be patient. I had some thirty minutes to spare. 

What I actually did was pile some fruit and an oatmeal packet into my bag and rush out of there. I had barely enough time to even look at the assortment of breakfast food they had, so I just picked four random items from a nearby table and bolted out the door. A wait staffer gave me a harassed look as I nearly upended a juice dispenser. 

"Sorry! Excuse me!" I yelped after stepping on everyone's shoes, bumping into backs, or accidentally ramming into a luggage rack. I should have put up an alarm, I scolded myself as I ran to the bus parking lot. 

I skipped up to the first available person with a purple t-shirt. He had almost glowing red skin that contrasted sharply with his attire. He was half a head taller than me, and way more fit. "Hi...oof...I'd like to...board my tour...ah...please..." I managed.

"You have a ticket?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"Sure do," I took out a ream of stapled papers. I decided it wise to keep all my booked tours in one place. 

"Ah yes." he nodded. "America."

"That's me,"

"Yes, the self-guided Vista Canyon tour."


He handed back my papers and checked something on his clipboard. "The last bus, on the left."

"Thank you," I nodded. "Oh, what is your name?"


"Is it hot for you out here?"

He smiled. "You get used to it. Although this is not my regular job. The uniforms are very, very bad."

"Purple is a nice colour,"

"I'm sure all colours look nice on you," he said, ignoring my blush. "But I'm not sure about that with me. Besides, polyester and desert weather don't mix well." then as an afterthought, he muttered. "Have to ask Serbia for his white cotton shirts." he glanced my way. "Enjoy your tour, miss."

"Will you be the guide?"

"No," he shook his head. "Serbia will. Then you have much time to explore the ranges and then you will go back. The tour is approximately three hours. He'll be able to tell you about the formations and history behind the canyon." he nodded again as if to dismiss me. More people started to come. 

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