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"You..." America looked at Switzerland with such shock and horror on her face that it looked as if she saw her father die. "'re...."

Switzerland smiled smugly, as if he knew exactly what America would say. "I'm you're one true love. Right, shortie?" he looked at Ukraine, who also looked shocked. 

"Right...." she said softly, almost not her usual brisk self. "you....did it."

Switzerland regarded America and me as if we were caged animals. "I did." And we were. Although there were no ropes or chains binding us, and we were in the same place as the Krasna-Giorno officials, we were hopelessly, mercilessly trapped. 

Switzerland was not concerned that his fellow workers were also feeling a bit uncomfortable in being in such a confined space. The tall and gangly man next to Ukraine was looking up and around nervously.  

"Are they coming?" Ukraine demanded. "I'd like this to be over as soon as possible."

Switzerland smiled again. "Don't forget, shortie. This was my idea."

"Yes, yes," Ukraine rolled her eyes. "I know." 

Switzerland in turn looked at the other worker. "Netherlands, aren't you happy?"

The other frowned. "What should I be happy about?" 

"In turn, it is I who proposed a brilliant plan that had succeeded, which inevitably means, in the eyes of Italy and Russia, that it is I who is competent enough to be the next leader of this Casino."

Netherlands looked perplexed, but Ukraine was furious. "You?" she almost screeched. "you don't even do anything!"

"Quite on the contrary," he replied civilly. "I have managed to do what you, and countless others, have failed to do."

It was then when America gained her voice. This time it seemed watery and trembling. "But...Switzerland...don't you care about us....?"

He looked at her almost pityingly. "Of course I care. But when it comes to our own good, we all make sacrifices."

"But...don't you love me?" she asked. 

With that both Switzerland and Ukraine laughed. It was a shaming, lowly laugh that made America almost cry. 

It seemed very hilarious to Switzerland. "Love?" his eyes were round and he was laughing so hard that tears started to leak from their ocean depths. "did you really think I loved you? Did you think I loved anyone? Love is such a difficult construct of deep emotions, so confusing that nobody has the time to figure it out before its gone, replaced by need and jealousy. I know, I know, its in your little heart, and you haven't been blighted by this feeling before. Don't worry, there are many who'll teach you to live with it."

Ukraine was laughing too, but her laugh was more bitter. She walked up to America, placing her hand on her shoulder and whispering. "Sweet girl, you think he loves you?" It was obvious she was waiting for a response. "If so, then you're a fool, like every other woman's heart in the world. Don't worry though, I too have had that fallible illness. It goes away. And look, I turned out just fine!"

America's gaze hardened. "You are both monsters."

Switzerland started to sing his song in the background again.

"La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento
Muta d'accento
E di pensiero

Sempre un amabile (Always sweet)
Leggiadro viso (Pretty face)
In pianto o in riso (In tears or in laughter)
È menzognero!" (she is always lying.)

"We might be," Ukraine conceded. "but wouldn't you rather be a monster than a broken girl?"


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