The Club

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Daoming Si : what place is this!?? 

Ximen laughing, " AhSi, this is the new hang out place in town. Place to see and to be seen. Only opened last week, naturally Meizuo knows the owner, Miss Lippy. "

" what? what's the name again? " said AhSi .

" haha .. of course not her real name. But you'll get it when we see her." Meizuo answered.

" In fact, when I told her, you are coming with us tonight. She's very excited. Ahem, I think she knows you. Like your biggest fan! She reserved for us the best seats on the VIP place for the club members. "explained Meizuo.

" Now , I don't feel like wanna be here. shall we go? " told Daoming Si anxiously looking around. He didn't feel comfortable at all.

" Relax AhSi, she's not going to eat you alive! " remaked Ximen

" She said she would have meeting us here, in the front door ...where is she? hmm Let me call her " Meizuo took out his phone from his pocket.

Soon enough, there is a woman wearing very bight red colour lipstick and very skimpy clothes, in silver tank top and black leather short skirt and followed by a young guy carrying a tray of welcome drinks. 

"Ah welcome, welcome to my new club, The Best Breez! My darling Meizuo and Ximen, welcome back. These are must be the famous AhSe and Lei, welcome my handsome friends. I am Lita Luo ...the owner of this latest new club.  "

The woman whom slightly older than the F4 gank tried to giving a give a cheek to cheek welcomed like westerners .

Daoming Si abruptly refused it , he pulled out his body away only offering to shake her hands.

Lita was quite surprised, " oh what's wrong boy. No kissy? Okay okay... I am living in America for 5 years. I guessed I am more liberal and I am guessing you too Ah Se coming from such the kind of family whom travel abroad a lots "

Daoming Si taken to dislike her straight away. He noticed it her unnatural shaped lips covered by very thick lipstick. He hated the way she called him ' Ah Se '.

" Daoming Si " he introduced himself to correct it her, firmly.

" Lita Luo, or my close friends normally called me Lita Love, and you and yout friends can too " she giggled .

Daoming Si never intended to.

" Come on, have some drinks! These ones on me. "

Daoming Si politely took one glass of champagne.

She then introduced herself to Lei, who also chosen not to allowed the lady gave him a cheek to cheek kiss.

Unlike Meizuo and Ximen, they both very casually given her hugs and a kiss, to a Daoming Si dismayed.

He knows his friends are womaniser but he still shocked and disapproved, especially if the women are older. They usually cunning and too straightforward.

" okay, let me take you to the best place in this club. The Millions Club door."

"This way guys " 

They followed her, up the stairs and to the looking liked a dark room.

Apparently the room looks dark from the outside but see trough from the inside.

She type in a code number to open the door.

" Come in.. See , You can have your own little party here. Order any food or drinks you fancy, we have 24 hours chefs on duty. There's disco and karaoke machine , big screen cinema in that corner, with 10 recliner cinema seats. Or just play pools and video games. Anything for everyone who likes to have chillax time with their friends " Lita said proudly.

" Great, thanks Lita. " uttered Meizuo.

" no problemo. Give us a buzz ,if you need anything. Or do you all want some girls company? I can asked some of them out there, you see. Those ones dancing? I bet they will jumping with joy if I invited them to join here. So, how many people you want? " offered Lita enthusiastic.

" NONE" answered Daoming Si quickly.

" Ah Si ! " shouted Meizuo and Ximen together displeased.

"okay ... I leave it to you to talk between you . See you soon "

Lita then left the room rather confused. She was hoping to make a better acquaintanced with F4, especially Daoming Si, but that young boy seemed very rude and unfriendly. Lita put it down to his wealthy and good looking, that's why he is a  arrogant spoiled kid. She planned to impress him. 

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