Just doing my bit

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" AhSi, where are you going? " Ximen asked.

Daoming Si came back to his classroom after lunch break then picked up his bag straight away and walked out again.

" I don't feel well. Can you tell teacher, okay "

" What! You're sick? You want me to take you home? " Ximen said rather loudly.

" No, don't worry. Just tummy bugs. I'll be okay on my own! " shouted Daoming Si from the class corridors .

Ximen looked at Meizuo and Lei , asking their opinion.

" Let him be. Maybe Shancai put poison in his lunch. hah! I don't think he is that serious sick ! " Meizuo remarked.

" He'll survive! " added Lei calmly.

" yeah, I guess so " Ximen agreed even he still confused.


6 PM at Shancai's House

" What are you doing here, Daoming Si? "

Shancai surprised founding Daoming Si in front of their house.

" Didn't Shushu and Ayi tell you that I'll driving you all this evening? " answered Daoming Si smirked.

" No they're didn't. .... I'll ask them " shocked Shancai.

She rushed inside without letting Daoming Si in.

" Ma , Ba... how come Daoming Si saying he is driving us tonight? "

Mr and Mrs Dong, looking at each other confused.

" well, I thought he said you are worried about Ba driving in the night and he is kindly offering to take us there. He called us this afternoon. " said Shancai's father.

" yes, I thought you're the one asked him, dear. "

" no I didn't Ma. Why I need to tell him that. Now he is here ... what we suppose to say. " Shancai tried to think.

" Is he already? where? in the living room? Well, just ask if he really serious about his offers. Your Ba just happy that he dont need to drive long distance especially on Friday night. You know how terrible traffics is " her Ma asked and keep blubbering.

" oh, I forgot to let him in "

Daoming Si stood patiently outside the house.

" Come in and have a seat. I don't know what you say to them, Ahsi , but they're just too happy, my Ba not really liking driving in the night time with his eyesight. Seriously you don't have to. "

" No, I insisted to help, otherwise I won't be offering. I am serious. "

" But you'll be exhausted driving back and forth, AhSi. " told Shancai.

" I won't. Don't worry about me. Let me help, okay. " Smiled Daoming Si.

" is there any point to argue with you? " sighed Shancai.

" The answer is No. " laughed Daoming Si.

" Just go get ready, if you're are still planning to leave at 7 tonight, but before that any chance I can have a cup of coffee please that's only fair right to give your driver a drink? "

Daoming Si flaunting his big grin, he knew his plan worked.

" AhSi, you're unbelievable! " Shancai shooked her head but obviously she'll making him coffee the least she can do.

" haha, better believe it Shancai! I am a good friend , right? " Laughed Daoming Si 

( I am here for the long run. I am full of plans and surprises. Daoming Si talking to himself proudly ) 

Just in time  Shancai's parents showed up in the living room. 

" Evening Shushu, evening Ayi ! " 

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