awkward conversation at the table

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"Well, this little Shancai is my —" Daomingsi hasn't finished the sentence, when Shancai interrupted him.

" Ahsi is my school's friend " Shancai answered firmly, glanced with pleading eyes at Daoming Si.

" Really? " the other bridesmaid expressed her doubt.

" Didn't he the guy who come here with your mother and brought you expensive pairs of shoes? " that girl asked again.

" ah yah... he did. " Shancai said in hesitation.

" He is very comfy with your parents for just a school friend and he doesn't seem like your age. Look more older for your classmates " some other people added the conversation.

" and what kind just a school friend wanting to spend weekend on another family gathering, he doesn't know any of them? unless ypu pay him to accompany you here, so it looks like you are not a miserable singleton " a few people laughed.

" but well done you, You chose the very handsome guy to escorting you. Must be not cheap. Hahaha "

Daoming Si getting impatient, he really can't stand nosey people.

It was none of their businesses and the mocking starting to get too personal and very offensive. However, Shancai giving him a look, like ' please let me handle this myself'

" But Ahsi really is my school friend. Not from my year, okay he is my senior in the school " Shancai answered patiently.

" alright, alright. If he is not your boyfriend good then. He is free! And because you definitely can't dancing later becsuse your sprained your ankle. I will propose to him to dance with me, it's only fair for the best looking best men to dance with me, the maid of honour " exclaimed the chief bridesmaid.

She stood up. She was very tall with very sexy appearance.

" well, you two must know. It is a custom to dance after dinner, right? After the bride and groom first dance " she said again and looking at Daoming Si.

" AhSi, is that your name right? "

" I Introduce myself , my name is Fancyta. I am 24, I am guessing we are about the same age " she forced a cute smile at him.

Daoming Si almost vomited.

" No, thank you. I can't dance " he answered coldly.

" oh no problem. I can teach you one or two dance moves . It's not that difficult, you can follow me. No need to be embarrassed. I am sure after a few drinks, no one would notice. We can just have fun " She kept persuaded him.

" No, thank you. I am fine " Daoming Si very annoyed now,

" Okay babe, you can refuse me now. But we'll see who will begging for more later " Fancyta tried to hide her embarrassment being rejected for the first time by men in front of others.

(( " you will see, you were wrong! ")) Fancyta crossed, she got offended.

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