Friday's frustration

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Daoming Si just entered his class, Meizuo quickly spotted him, " AhSi, you are no fun at all! It was your idea to hang out last night, instead of our usual Friday night ! "

" hah ! I don't forced you. And you and Ximen had a good time right? so ... "

" Of course we were. We know how to enjoying life. We are not dull people like you, or Lei. You both will growing old lonely. "

" That's the risk I'll may take it or may not. " remarked Daoming Si.

" What do you mean? " piqued Ximen.

" you both maybe enjoying your life now with fake women who only interested in your look and money and they will rushing to leave you when there is another bigger fish to fry. Women like those not stick around. "

" Hoy Ahsi, we are too young to get settled. I don't think I will married the first girl I met. Eventhough I like her so much. I will dated her and finish it with her and find another one and another to try. How did we know that girl is the one for me, if I never have a chance to compare with the others " said Ximen.

" Women are not a thing to try "

Lei suddenly opened his mouth and blurted out his wise word.

" I'm with Lei. We must respect women "

All his F4 friends looking at Daoming Si direction, surprised.

" AhSi, don't know you're an expert too "

Daoming Si shrugged his shoulders, " Remember I have a sister. I hated if any guy will treated her like you plan to do with your women. "

" But AhSi, you have no experience. Women are not stupid. They are cunning too. We knew when they using us, we just pretended we didn't know and used it to our favour. "

" Well, up to you guys. I won't do that to her " His replied quickly.

" Her? "

" Who? Shancai ? I didn't know you know many girl, other than her." Meizuo asked .

" I thought you were done. Finished with her. You haven't mention her name for days. That's why we thought the reason you wanted to go out last night, you have lost interest on her. Which is very normal. "

" I don't want to be normal " snapped Daoming Si.

" We know that ! No question about it. "

" So what is your situation now? " Ximen question didn't get answered as the bell rang, the class has started.


" Knew you'd came " said Daoming Si smiling.

" err— you didn't give me choice and Xiayou need to see Miss Na for her English assessment. So yeah, just me " Shancai explained.

" oh come on.! Don't be stranger, Shancai. We kissed, or almost— didn't we...?"Daoming Si chuckled.

" Ah Si, please don't— " begged Shancai.

" okay okay.. here's yours lunch. Sit down here "

Shancai sat down on the bench next to Daoming Si. He handed her the box, then open his own. He picked up his chop stick and about to eat his sweet and sour prawn balls.

" You like prawns, right? " he asked.

" but I have my own beans wraps. " said Shancai.

" I'll eat yours, you eat mine, okay? "

He put down his and without asking he grabbed her lunch box.

" hey, what are you doing? "

" I am eating yours, so you can eat the food I brought "

He immediately took a bite off the wrap. Shancai's wrap.

" Go eat it, no excuse now. " He smirked and satisfied when Shancai finally started to eat hers.

" What do you want to cook on Sunday? " he suddenly asked.

Shancai stopped eating, she said " ah, you don't need to come this weekend Daoming Si "

" why ? I thought you are serious about learning to cook? " 

In his mind he has already lists of food that he will be happily teach her.

" I am. Only this weekend  we will be away "

" oh, Where? " He couldn't hide his disappointment , now his weekend plan shattered.

" To a family wedding "

" what! whose wedding? " shocked Daoming Si, did not expecting that answer.

" my mother's sort of niece. I don't know her very well. But we all are going tomorrow. The wedding on Sunday, we are staying the night before at the hotel close by. "

" I see. Why you didn't tell me?"

" Sorry, I am not sure if I should telling you if you're not asking ? It's nothing concern you, at all right Daoming Si? " 

" yes, I know... but it would be nice to know " 

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