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Disclaimer: I own nothing except some of the plot and my two ocs.


Mirabel woke up first, but it wasn't in her bed. She was seated in a chair. When did she fall asleep in a chair?

She wasn't the only one. Her entire family, plus the village of Encanto were also fast asleep in chairs that matched her. They all seemed attached. The chairs, that is. Her mother and father were on either side of her, still asleep, until Mirabel shook them awake.

"Mama, wake up!" she whispered, her voice high from panic. After relentless shaking from her daughter, Julietta woke up slowly.

"What is it, Mira?"

"Where are we?!"

That woke her mother up. They woke Augustin up and together, the three woke the rest of the village up, which took a lot of time.

"What is going on?" asked a new voice.

Mirabel turned and saw a man and woman holding three babies...

"OH MY GOD!" she screamed, which unsettled the younger version of her grandparents. The triplets—her mother, Tia Pepa, and Tio Bruno—began wailing, upset by the loud disturbance that Mirabel had caused.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said hurriedly, trying not to look to hard at her abuelo. "It's just that—you know what? ABUELA! I THINK YOU'LL WANNA SEE THIS!"

Alma made her way over, irritated. "Mirabel, use your inside voice. What—?"

She froze at the sight of her and Pedro. She didn't look at the younger version of herself, or her children. She just stared at Pedro, who was concerned as to why this old woman was looking at him like that.

"Um, do we know you?" he asked, tightening his grip on Younger Alma.

"I can explain that," announced a voice from behind. Everyone turned, expecting answers, but they didn't see anyone. There was a big board that all the chairs were facing, but no one was talking.

"Who are you?" demanded Pepa, a storm cloud forming above her head. "Actually, where are you?"

"You can calm down," chuckled the voice. Pepa did not calm down. The voice continued. "I brought you all here to give you an insight to your future. No, not the way Bruno did, though."

Some people, who were about to say something, closed their mouths sheepishly.

"It's a film that will show the Madrigal family. You guys need a lot of help if you wanna keep your Casita and the Miracle."

"What do you mean? Is there something wrong with the magic?" Mirabel asked.

"Yes. There's been something wrong with it for a while. Anyways, introductions: Um, Younger Alma and Pedro, your triplets grew up. Pepa, Julietta, Bruno, introduce yourselves!"

Gasps radiated, but for two different reasons: Younger Alma and Pedro were staring at their daughters, who had come forward, all grown up. The rest were gasping because Bruno was here and they didn't realize.

The voice groaned. "Bruno, get your butt out here now! I won't hesitate to drag you out!"

Bruno did not come. The voice grumbled something unintelligent and then, there was a yelp from the curtains surrounding the big board. People screamed and gasped and Bruno was dragged by his foot to his family. The steel floor made a squeaky sound as he was dragged, then his foot fell with a thump.

Bruno stared at his family with wide eyes full of fear. They did the same, but emotions varied. Nobody said anything, not even Alma and Pedro, who knew something was up.

"Soooo....you don't have a seven foot frame?"

All heads turned to the person who had spoken. Camilo raised his hands defensively. "Hey, it's just a question!"

"I feel like I'm forgetting something . . . OH! There are also these twins, Leo and Layla. They're the ones hiding in the other curtains and looking like they were beat up in a raccoon battalion."

A gust of wind came out of nowhere, blowing the curtains away to reveal two teens hiding with their backs against the wall, about fifteen years of age. Indeed, they did look very beaten up, their skin peppered with purple and blue bruises and they each had a black eye. Their eyes were wide as they stared at everyone in fear.

Julietta, being the helpful, kind, too-good-for-this-world person that she was, rushed over, arepas in her hand.

"Here. Eat this." She handed them each one, but they didn't eat. They just stared at her as if she was crazy. "It will help."

"Uh . . . we'll pass." The boy grabbed his sister closer to him and sat in a seat in the back.

"Oh, no, no, no! Not happening, kids!" The floor where the kids were standing began to rumble and slid them over to the Madrigals. "You're sitting with the Madrigals."

"Why?" asked the girl, Layla.

"Because I said so. Now sit your butts down!" The floor made them slip backward, making their rear ends fall into the sets next to Camilo and Mirabel.

"Hang on." Mirabel put her hands on her hips. "Why do you sound so familiar?"

"Well, I never really talked to you before, Mirabel, but we know each other very well," the voice chuckled.

A shock of electricity went down Mirabel's spine as she realized that the voice was female and . . . what had she said? They interacted, but she never talked. Mirabel never had many friends to begin with, seeing as popularity was directed more towards the other Madrigals, who had Gifts.

"Wait . . . Casita? Is that you?"

Casita chuckled. "Took you long enough to catch on."

"You can see the future?" asked Pepa. Only a select few noticed how Bruno flinched at the sentence.

"Not exactly. To me, there is no concept of time. I can exist at what are different times for you, but it is all the same to me. I can also be in many time periods at once, but I can't go back to before I was created."

"But Abuelo Pedro died before you came to life!" Camilo blurted out.

Gasps were heard from Alma and Pedro. The couple had eyes blown wide as the twin siblings had theirs.

"I . . . die?" Pedro asked softly.

"NO!" The solemn mood was shattered by Alma's cry. "NO, NO, NO! YOU WON'T DIE! I WON'T ALLOW IT!"

"Mi Amor, you cannot decide my fate if it is already sealed—" Pedro began, but Alma was not giving in.

"No! You die, I die," she said assertively. "You cannot change my mind on that anymore, Pedro."

"But who will take care of the children, then?"

"Hold up, hold up," Luisa said, diverting attention from the previous conversation to herself. "Casita, I thought you said you couldn't go back to times before you were created. So . . . what gives?"

Casita laughed, but this time, instead of household objects, rattling tiles or windows, it sounded human. "I had some help. I won't say who yet, but you'll find out soon. Now, we should start the movie, so I have only one last thing to say to you all."

"And that is?" Isabela asked.

"Not everything is as it seems," said the magical house simply.

Not a moment later, the screen came to life. All attention was diverted to it, so nobody noticed as the twins, Leo and Layla, looked at each other fearfully and held hands.


A/N: I finally got Disney+ and watched Encanto. Also, I found a transcript so I can just copy and paste from that. What do you think of the twin ocs so far? I did name Leo after Leo Valdez because he is awesome. 


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