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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except some of the plot and my ocs.


"So, after the next song, we'll go back to that . . . break room?" asked Agustín.

"That's right," Casita told them. "You're gonna need it. Hopefully it's around this time that your start confessing and making amends, but if not, the rest of the film should do it for you."

Isabela gulped. Confess?

The screen resumed filming. The viewers gasped at what the vision showed: Mirabel standing in front of a broken Casita. 

"She's cursed!" someone yelled. 

Mirabel flinched. She would never hurt her family. There had to be an explanation for this. There just had to be! 

Julieta noticed her daughter visibly shaking. Bruno noticed second, and loudly said, "It's not what it looks like!"

"What do you mean?" Abuela asked.

"That vision can go two ways," Bruno explained. "Sometimes it shows a broken Casita, sometimes it doesn't. That's never happened before. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but it does not mean for sure that Mirabel is going to destroy the Casita. I mean, clearly, since Casita brought us here, she must be fine, right, Casita?"

"Absolutely!" chirped Casita. 

Abuela was conflicted. While it could mean that there was a half chance that Mirabel wouldn't destroy their home, there was also a half chance that she would. She was rather close to the twins and had brought them to the Casita in the first place. 

No, thought Abuela. Mirabel hadn't. The twins had known a shortcut. They would have gotten into the Casita one way or another. It wouldn't be fair to Mirabel to blame it on her.  

She may not have shown it, but all her grandchildren and children were precious to her. No one was more important than another.

And what a great job you're doing of showing that, her mind berated her. Camilo has an identity crisis, Luisa has anxiety, Bruno is a recluse, Pepa is stressed all the time trying to give us perfect weather, and Mirabel feels unwanted in her own family. And that's all we know so far! What about Isabela and Dolores?

Abuela made a promise to herself. No matter what this film showed, at the end of it, she'd show every one of her family members her love.


AGUSTÍN: Miraboo! Got your party pants on? 'Cause I . . . 

MIRABEL: (GRUNTS, CHUCKLES) We broke into Bruno's tower. I found his last vision. The family's in trouble. The magic is dying. The house is breaking, Luisa's gift is fading. And I think it's all because of me? 

"It's not because of you," Bruno said. "Clearly everyone in this family has issues we need to talk about and that is why there were cracks in the Casita."

"Señor Bruno is correct," Leo said. "I guarantee that having a heart-to-heart with the entire family will solve your problems."

LEO: We should go—

LAYLA: Wait! Señor, we're really sorry. I'm the one who encouraged Mirabel to go to Bruno's tower, so if anyone's at fault here, it's me.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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