August 16, 2014

20 1 1

Your POV:

"Second year of high school, how annoying. Can it just be over already?" You said getting readys slowly, but fast enough not to be late. You never liked going to school, all the studies, all the drama. The only thing you actually liked about going to school was volleyball. You've played since you were a kid, but you got a serious injury back in middle school, so you couldn't play anymore, at least for awhile.

"I'll be going Dad! I might be home late because of volleyball!" you yelled towards your dad, wanting to get this day over with already.

"Oh hey, you got mail. It's on the counter. It looks kind of important." He said back to you before getting ready for work.

"Okay, thanks! I love you bye!"

"I love you too!"

"Ugh who could've sent me mail? I really hope it wasn't Mom, she's really annoying." You say to no one while opening the mail. You pull out quite a few of papers, seemingly being a letter. It was weird because the handwriting looked like yours.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" You say irritated. Unfortunately for you, you got your dad's anger issues and your grandma's attitude. She might be 60, but she's still pretty spunky. You never liked talking about your life before high school, you always told people your parents were still married and your life was great, but unbeknownst to them you were miserable. There were a couple people that could see through your persona at school, but never said anything not wanting to make you mad. You were pretty scary when you were mad.

"Finally, the hell that I can't seem to get away from." You say upon entering the gates of your school.

Karasuno High School. Great right? Not really.

Everyone here was annoying and always gossiping about something. That was something you were never fond of. You never really had any girl friends after your so called "best friend" went behind your back and screwed your now ex-boyfriend. I bet you could guess who my boyfriend was. Yea, Toru fucking Oikawa. He's a piece of work let me tell you.


"Who the hell?" you turn your head being irritated you were interrupted from your thoughts.

"It's me you dummy." you look up to see orange hair and a blinding smile.

"Well, hello there tangerine. How was your summer?" you say poking his side teasingly.

"It was pretty good, but we didn't hangout much. I was kind of sad not seeing you for months." Hinata said upset.

"Awe, did my poor baby tangerine miss me?" you said with a sly smirk. He blushed slightly and pushed your face away. Luckily for him, you didn't see the pink tint on his cheeks.

"Shut up shorty. Let's get to class." he said grabbing your wrist, you just groaned not wanting to deal with studying today. It's funny that he uses that as an insult when I was the one calling him shorty the beginning of our first year.

Once you've found a seat you liked and everyone was paying attention to the teacher or sleeping, you pulled out the letter you had gotten this morning. Upon actually reading it, your eyes widen.

August 16, 2014

You're going to start your first day of your second year today. Your best friend Shoyo is going to greet you with his happy bright smile as always, and will drag you to class. After the day ends and practice starts, Shoyo will miss a lot of spikes and just overall not be on his game. Tobio criticizes him and makes him more upset with himself. Stick up for him, please.

"What the hell?" you quietly whisper to yourself. What kind of weird parallel dimension shit is this?

"Alright and that's all for the first day, let's all get through this year smoothly." Miss Yano says.

"That was awful." you said yawning.

"You really don't like school do you?" Hinata says raising an eyebrow.

"I really don't, too much drama, too much work. It's really annoying."

"Well, I'll try to make the year good for you N/N!" He says then runs off to his next class.

'What a cute dude.'

~Time Skip~

"I'm so tired man." you say yawning. You were walking towards the gym for volleyball practice. Unfortunately, you were only the boys manager, but you loved the boys you worked with even though you wouldn't admit it.

"When aren't you tired, weirdo."

"Ahh, my favorite bean pole middle blocker. Afternoon Tsukki." you turned to the way too tall second year.

(We're going to act like the third years from the anime are still third years right now :)

"Such a weird woman." He mumbled to himself. You two always had a love hate relationship. He's like the older brother you never had, always picking on you in a way that wouldn't actually hurt you and he would always get protective when we went to other schools for games. I mean the whole team got protective over you, only because you were so short. There was no doubt you could absolutely rock someone's shit, but that's what they always wanted to avoid.

Upon walking through the gym doors you could see everyone warming up and Hinata being scolded by Kageyama. You let it slide, but kept an eye out for those two considering the letter, even though you didn't want to believe it at all.

During practice you could tell Hinata wasn't on his game today and it wasn't hurting him, but everyone else as well. At one point he got irritated and stormed off for a second. When he came back he had that same determined face on and you felt relieved. After everyone had finished changing you could hear arguing coming from the boys locker room.

"I don't understand why you're being such an asshole today but you can really piss off right now."

"You weren't playing like you normally do and frankly it was getting so annoying I just stopped setting to you."

'Oh no, the letter! Is it actually coming true?' You thought and immediately went in there not caring if they were naked or not.

"Hey, hey, hey! What the hell are you two being so loud for huh?" you said announcing your presence.

"Y/N! What are you doing in here?" Kageyama asked, blushing a little bit.

"I asked a question first so I expect it to be answered, please and thank you." you smiled sweetly. Whoever was in that locker room knew what was about to happen when they see that smile.

"I-I was just complaining to Hinata's dumbass over here that he was off his game all day today."

"So, who died and made you king? People have their off days, I've seen how bad you can be some days when you have things on your mind. So don't be an asshole when you can be just as much off your game as anyone else in here. Get dressed and get out already. Leave him alone as well, or else." you said blankly turning on your heel to leave.

"Your lucky, I hope you know tha-" Kageyama tried to get out, but was stopped by a fist gripping his collar.

"I said, get fucking dressed and get the fuck out. Go home, go to sleep and maybe you won't be such an asshole. Or do I need to put you even MORE in your place." you said darkly not even looking at him. You let him go aggressively and walked off.

Unbeknownst to you or anyone else, Hinata was a blushing mess knowing you were standing up for him.

'I can't believe that letter was right.. what happens 10 years from now that made me want to make different decisions?'

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