May 19, 2015

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It was finally the night all the boys came over and I was already exhausted by the thought. They're great, I love them, don't get me wrong. But having to deal with a bunch of teenage boys in one place with my FATHER of all people, it's gonna be a memorable time. My Dad is just the biggest weirdo you could ever meet when it comes to having other dudes in the house.

Around 1, the boys started to show up one by one. First, of course, was Shoyo and Tobio.

'No matter how much they fight I know damn well they're best friends.'

Soon after, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Suga, Daichi, and the rest made their way to the house and my house was now full of testosterone. Lucky me. Anyways, I had some snacks ready and was making dinner for the hungry men while they were doing whatever their heart desired.

"Hey shorty, where's your drinks at?" Tsukki asked, poking his head into the kitchen.

"They're over there. There's more in the garage as well if we run out." I tell him not even turning around.

"Alright. Are you okay, by the way?"

"Yea, just focused on making a big ass meal for all of you. Oh also, don't tell them, but I want to make brownies with y'all later." I whispered to the bean pole. He's too damn tall man.

"Weirdo." Was all he said while walking to get drinks for whoever wanted one.

Shoyo POV

I was sitting on the couch with Kageyama and Noya when I noticed Tsukishima get up and go to the kitchen. I didn't think much of it only because Y/N and I aren't even together yet. But I did get tired of waiting for a drink so I went to get one when I seen Y/N whispering something in the tall males ear. She then smiled and got off her tippy toes. I don't know why, but I started to feel really angry and just stormed off back to the couch. I don't know if it's because I still love her or the fact that I don't know if she still loves me, but seeing someone else make her smile really pisses me off.


I finally finished making a BIG pot of curry and quite a bit of rice. Hopefully they like it, I've had to tweak this recipe I don't know how many times to make it taste right. First I put too much cumin and cayenne. Then I didn't put enough. It was a headache and a half, let me tell you.

"Guys! Dinners done!" I yelled to my team of idiots. Other than the third years. They were angels.

"Woah, you made a lot of curry N/N! It smells really good." Noya says drooling over the food.

"Please don't drool in the food that took me hours to make." I sighed. Although they were all starving they didn't make any plates yet.

"What are you guys waiting for? Does it look funny?" I ask with worry in my eyes. They all look at each other and start laughing.

"No dummy, we're waiting for you to get your food first." Suga says with a cheeky smile.

"W-why?" I asked shocked.

"It's only polite to let the lady get her food first, don't you think?" Daichi said.

"Oh, okay. I guess." I proceeded to get my portion of food. After I did, they all started to dig in, but in a mannerly way. They didn't want me to have to clean up after almost grown ass men.

Upon walking to the dining room, I seen Shoyo still sitting on the couch watching tv with a bothered expression. I put my food down and went to see what was the matter.

"Yo sunshine, what got you all gloomy?" I ask with a sly grin. He just looked at me and got up to go to the kitchen.

'Okay, excuse the hell out of me. Don't know what I did. Rude ass.'

~Small Time Skip~

After everyone finished their dinner, we all made room in the living room for everyone to sleep. Only problem I come to  see is compromising on a movie.


"NO I WONT BE ABLE TO SLEEP IDIOT!" Noya yells back.

"Guys let's just watch a horror movie then a cartoon?" I ask trying to diffuse the situation.

"I mean that would work." Suga says covered in a blanket, already scared for a horror movie.

"Shoyo, what do you think?" I turn to the tangerine.

"Don't care."

"Okay, yea this is what we're NOT going to do. You guys decide ona horror movie. I'll be back." I say getting up and dragging Shoyo outside. Closing the back door I turn to said boy.

"What is your problem all of the sudden?" I ask irritated in his change in mood all night.

"What were you whispering to Tsukishima?" He asks glaring at me.

"Y-you're joking right?"

"What was it huh?" He asks getting in my face. I decide to stand my ground.

"You big idiot, I told him that later we were all going to make brownies later, but since you were acting like you are I didn't want to anymore." You told him truthfully.

"R-really?" He asks cheeks turning pink from embarrassment.

"Yes, now I'm pissed off because I didn't know what I did. Now that I know what it is I'm even more pissed. I've told everyone on the team I see him as a big brother, like everyone else on the team. Tsk, I can't believe you." I say while storming off. The other boys were eavesdropping and scattered back to the living room.

'The fucking nerve of this guy. I just wanted a good time and he had to go and ruin it.' I think to myself pouting on the couch. Suddenly I see him storm through the back door, grab his stuff and leave.

"Tsk, bye asshole." I mutter.

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