June 2, 2015

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Your POV:

After your fun night with the boys, they all head out and you had some cleaning up to do. Even though they tries their hardest to clean up after themselves, it was still obvious I mean they are boys. Most of them are always messy. Anyways while you were cleaning up, Shoyo flashed in your mind and you felt a twang of guilt.

'I shouldn't have yelled at him like I did. I was really mad, but I blew up for no reason. Ugh, dammit!'

You went to find your phone and found a few new messages on it.

   1 new message
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You unlock your phone to read them all, but your heart drops at the one from Shoyo.

Hi, this is Y/N right? This is Shoyo's father, I'm sorry to say he passed away last night in a bad car accident. I will let you know of his service when it is decided.

You felt like throwing up, crying, screaming. You ran outside to find out it was raining, but you didn't care. You ran into the street and screamed at the top of your lungs. You were getting soaked and the rain covered your tears. It was like the universe was crying with you.

"WHY HIM?! I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY I WAS SORRY! IS THERE SOME KIND OF RESTART BUTTON, PLEASE!" You then fell to your knees in agony. You wanted to tell him you were sorry and that you were wrong for acting that way, but it was too late.

"Those *sniff* fucking letters were wrong. They said me trying to take my life would be the reason *sniff* not, him dying in a FUCKING CAR CRASH!!" You yet again screamed. You heard a car coming, but it didn't matter to you in that moment. You weren't going to be able to see him, tell him you were sorry, not even try again with him.

"Yo what the hell- Y/N!?" You heard come from the driver. You kept your head down, your face emotionlessly looking at the concrete.

"Y/N! What are you doing in the middle of the street?" It was Haji.

"I-I didn't get to say s-sorry." You look up to him with a painful smile, like you were going insane. I mean in reality, you were. But you promised to never try again.

"What are you talking about?"

"He's dead. HE'S FUCKING DEAD HAJI! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" You yell to your big brother.

"Who is Y/N?"


"There's no way.."

~Time Skip~

You were sitting in uncomfortable chairs listening to sniffling and soft cries. You couldn't bare to be here anymore. You had realized you weren't the only one in pain. You knew it took a lot for his father to find out his own son was dead. After a few speeches, it was time to go to the casket and talk to him one last time. You walked slowly with Haji behind you.

"Shoyo, I'm sorry for what I said that night, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, if we hadn't fought that night, then maybe..." You trailed off starting to cry for probably the 16th time that day. You wiped your tears and placed the sunflower between his fingers and smiled a little bit for the first time in weeks. Seeing him hold your favorite flower, knowing it reminded you of him made you happy. You were only going to have things to remind you of him now. You walked away back to your seat and just stared off into the distance.

'I hope up there, is so much nicer than here. Say Hi to your mom and mine for me will you? Make sure to have a lot of sunflowers too, oh and also-'

"Y/N, let's go." Haji said.


~4 years later~

"Hey sunshine, I was just checking in with you. I've been doing alright these days, works going good and the team kind of Split up. We all really miss you. And-" You were interrupted by a small woof. You look to your left and see a beautiful Golden Retreiver puppy.

"Awe, hey buddy. Where's your family at?" You went to pet the small animal until he jumped in your lap and laid down. This made you giggle.

"I'll talk to you later Sunshine." The puppy then tilted its head when you said this.

"Awe do you like that name? I might just call you Sunshine." You smile at the hazel eyed puppy. It wagged its tail and licked your hand in approval.

'Wait, there's no way..'

"Shoyo?" The dog did indeed tilt its head once more.

"Shoyo.." You teared up when you realized you might just have the love of your life back in your arms, just as a snuggly little puppy.

"Maybe, there is a restart button." You smile.

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