August 23, 2014

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Your POV:

"Ugh, I can't believe Miss Yano is giving us a test a week after we just got back, like who does that?" you said irritated.

"Maybe it's just to see where we're at and teach us based on those results?" Hinata said hopefully.

"Eh, maybe you're right. Doesn't mean I like it." you said poking his side. That's something you always do to him. Never understood the reason behind it, that's just what you do.

He smiled sweetly at you before opening the door to the classroom. Going to your seats, you didn't care to pay attention and pulled out the next letter. You thought there was only one letter, but there's plenty more and you didn't have a good feeling about that.

August 23, 2014

Shoyo isn't his normal spunky, bright self. Something happened after your first class with him and I never knew what had exactly happened until it was too late. Please console him and make him feel better. I don't want you living with the same regret I face everyday.

"What did you regret so much you're trying to change it?" you said not realizing how quiet the class was.

"Something you want to share with the class Miss Iwaizumi?" Miss Yano said sarcastically.

"Yea, no not really, but thanks though." you said with just as much sarcasm. Her eyebrow twitched. You were never one to let people humiliate or walk all over you.

After you finished your test you looked over a Hinata to see him with his head down looking at his phone. You seem something drip off his face and your eyes widen. There was no way that's what you thought it was. You had never seen him cry except after winning very few games in Nationals, and losing some as well. After figuring out what you would do, you decided to wait until lunch to console him.

"Hey, meet me at the tree at lunch. No questions, just be there." You told him before he could take off to his next class.

~Time Skip~

"Heyyyy, my sweet orange." You said to Hinata after he arrived. He didn't have a lunch with him so you decided to give him some of yours.


"Y/N I don't want to take your food." He said sadly.

"Open, por favor." you said again more aggressively. He sighed and opened his mouth.

"Oh wow, this is really good. Did your mom make it?" your eyes widen. You forgot you didn't tell anyone at school about your parents.

"N-no, I don't like the way she makes my food, so I do it myself. I like to have it a certain way." you said with uncertainty. Unfortunately Hinata noticed your stutter and knew something was up.

"Oh, well I believe it. You do seem like the type of person to be OCD about things." He said with zero enthusiasm.

"So, what's on your mind hmm?"

"N-nothing in particular."

"You're lying to me Hinata." you said glaring at the boy. He sighed.

"Fine, you got me. I guess it's not hard to tell when I'm always so happy."

"Well duh, and who do you think I am. I'm an expert at reading people, and you're my best friend. How would I not know? Anyways, proceed."

"Well after Miss Yano passed out the tests I got a text from my Dad. I decided to wait until after my test to read it. I was almost done and I got three more. One from my little sister and two more form my Dad," he said getting more upset.

"After I finally finished my test, I read them and I couldn't hold back my tears. He told me that my Mom is back in the hospital and she's not doing great. They don't know if she will make it and I really don't know if I can handle losing her. She's been one of my biggest supporters when it comes to volleyball." he finished tears lightly covering his face.

There was nothing more I could do than just hug the poor boy. Now I know why I regret not talking to him 10 years in the future. I stroked his back lightly as he sniffled and cried into my shoulder.

"Oh baby, it's okay. I know I'm not one to talk, but I know she will make it. There's no way she won't. I know she's been battling cancer this whole time, but she's been battling it so well and I know in my heart that she will make it." you told him tearing up. His family was like your second family. They always took care of you when your Dad was out of town or got home late from work. It would hurt you just as much, but not as much as him. That's his mother, he has spent his entire life with her. While I've only known her for about two years.

"T-thank you Y/N, I appreciate you talking to me about it. I didn't know what I was going to do. It was really eating at me." he said smiling through his tears.

"You dummy, I'm always here and you know that. I'm not going anywhere, only places I'm going is with you." you said smiling at the orange haired boy. He stared into your eyes and you felt really weird. Maybe the food you ate made you feel sick, right?

"I know, I just don't like showing my weak side to anyone. At least when it comes to my home life."

"Dude, I've been apart of your home life for two years. Get over it, I'm not going anywhere."

"Yea, yea, like I could get rid of someone like you." As soon as he said that he blushed. This time you noticed and that same feeling came back.

'Okay, what the hell is this feeling? I know the food I MADE isn't making me feel sick. Maybe I didn't cook it all the way through. Yea, that could be a possibility.' You thought.

"Well, let's go Y/N. Don't want to be late for class again, do you?" he said eagerly.

"Do I?"

"Oh shut up and come on." he said and grabbed your arm, taking you away to your next awful class.

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