February 27, 2015

3 0 0

(Major TW: Suicide)

Hinata's POV:

"It's finally her birthday. Maybe I can get her something." I say to myself. Luckily it's a Saturday, so it won't be too hard to get her something. Maybe, they're having a little party for her too. And if not, I can throw her a party with all the boys. Yep, that sounds like a plan.

I had to start my day off really early since it was her birthday, I want it to be one to remember.

"Shit, I need to charge my phone. I'll just leave it in my car while I shop. It might take awhile considering I'm not sure what exactly she likes. I know some things, but I need more than just some things."

I was in the store for about an hour and a half. It was terribly difficult finding something she would like, so hopefully she would like this.

"Oh, cool my phones on now, whoa. Hold on. What the hell?"

5 Messages from *Hajime

3 Messages from *Mr. Iwaizumi

7 Missed Calls from *Hajime

"What the hell is going on?" I asked worriedly. Something isn't right.

*Hajime: Shoyo there's been an emergency.

*Hajime: Meet me at the hospital.

*Hajime: Bro, I need you to be here.

*Hajime: Shoyo, hurry the hell up man.

*Hajime: I don't know if Y/N will make it..

*Mr. Iwaizumi: Shoyo, please come to the hospital.

*Mr. Iwaizumi: What did you do to Y/N?

*Mr. Iwaizumi: Son, please get here quickly.

"Shit okay, I'm coming. What the hell happened to her? I hope it's nothing too bad, God please don't take her away from me too."

When I arrived at the hospital I seen Hajime and her Dad. He was glaring at me harshly and I don't know what I did.

"Shoyo. What did you say to my daughter that day?" Her Dad came to me.

"I-I didn't mean anything I said, I was just so upset that my Mom had died. It was just so much within a month. I'm so sorry sir." I was preparing myself to be punched, instead he hugged me.

"At least tell me you tried to make up with her.."

"I did try sir, I actually got her some stuff for her birthday. I tried talking to her all month, but she would just blow me off."

"Shoyo.." Her Dad started.

"Shoyo, she tried to commit suicide.." Hajime chimed in. He looked devastated.

"S-She did what.." I was in disbelief.

"Yea, that's what we said. We didn't think she would do something like this.. I mean I know she's been beating herself up about Dad, but I didn't think it would get so bad she would want to do this.." Hajime said sadly.

'Did I really make her..'

"Don't think of this as you're fault Shoyo, if she needed help she should've asked. She almost did a really selfish thing." Her Dad told me, attempting to comfort me. I wasn't the one in need of comforting right now.

"Did she try to leave anything behind?" I asked the pair.

"No, we didn't find anything and we searched everywhere for maybe a reason why she would try. I mean there were strange letters talking about you and her but they didn't make any sense." Hajime said pondering.

"Do you know what the letters said? I mean, I'm not trying to be nosy, I'm just-"

"Yea, I know you're just as worried about her as we are. See Dad, I told you he's a good kid. He just lost someone close to him and didn't know how to cope. So quit glaring and being an ass." Hajime glared towards his father. Dad just glared harder at the boy.

"I-It's fine you don't have to try and defend me. I did mess up and I am extremely ashamed in my actions. I am trying to make it right though. Anyways, have you been able to see her?" I asked trying to avoid being question by the scary man.

"No, they took her to the ICU because she lost too much blood. When I found her she was lying in a puddle of blood on each arm. I mean the only thing she's done was try to over does in middle school from being bullied so much- wait. Was she being bullied at school?" Her Dad asked me, still glaring.

"I-I don't know if it was directly or not. I did hear some girl talking about her from the hallway, I think last month but I didn't hear much of it after that day."

"Did you tell anyone about me being sick or Hajime working?"

"No, that's how I found out actually. I mean I thought they were rumors until Hajime called later and told me about it. Still, I never said anything because I know she doesn't like her home life discussed at school. I can see why.." Imlooked down ashamed I didn't do anything to help her.

"Don't feel bad, everyone has they're demons. Y/N just allowed hers to win again.." Her Dad said tearing up.

I didn't think someone could hurt so bad that they would resort to such things. I mean I know people have committed in the past, but no one ever truly knows why. I mean, no one can read minds or else we would all be able to help. Then again, that would also allow people to bully even more..

"Hajime?" a nurse called out.

"YES!" her Dad yelled and stood faster than I've ever seen.

"So bad news or good news first?"

"Oh no.. I thought there would be just good news."

"Just give up the bad news to get it over with." Hajime said sternly. I decided to stand beside Hajime to know what was going on.

"Is it alright with-" she peered towards me but was cut off.

"Yes, continue."

"Well, we got her stable. But the only thing is she will need a blood transplant."

"D-Do you have her blood type?" her Dad stuttered.

"It's O+. I could take blood samples from you three to see if I could take some from you, but the downside of that is that the person we transplant blood from will need to be on watch for awhile. She needs a lot of blood."

"Then let's go!" Her Dad yells trying to rush the nurse.




"I'm sorry, but none of you have the blood that can help her. Let me see what I can do."

~The Next Day~

??? POV

"Good, thank you sir. Did you want me to tell them-"

"No, keep it anonymous. Thank you, I will get ready now."

"Are you ready sir? This may cause you to pass away."

"Anything for my babygirl, she means more than life itself. Saving her will put me at peace."

"Yessir. Let's start the procedure."

"Also make sure she gets my letter, please. Or this will all be for nothing."

"Of course sir, your sacrifice won't go unnoticed by anyone."

'My dear Y/N, please make sure to live a good life and stop giving a shit about what other people think. You're a beautiful, strong young woman. Ain't no reason for you to do this twice in your life and scare the shit out of me. Maybe now, you'll value your life more, as I am apart of you now.. I love you goob, live long and be yourself.'

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