Chapter II: My First Kiss

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It has been a couple of weeks since Aerina and I last talked. Two weeks since the incident with my wrist. It is still healing but thankfully it should be healed in no time. Everyone I normally talk to seems to be keeping their distance from me. Even though it's getting rather annoying, so instead of facing everyone like I should I keep my distance and leave things the way they are. I guess Aerina was right, I am a coward. I say to myself.

"Jerick, how are you doing?" Asks Ms. Eiko.

"If you're referring to my wrist it's doing fine." "Has Aerina changed her mind about coming home?" I ask.

"No, she hasn't." "She won't tell me why she's not coming home either, do you have any idea as to why?" Ask Ms. Eiko.

"I do know why, but I can't bring myself to tell you the truth." I think to myself. "Sorry." "I don't know, just give her some time and space she'll come around eventually," I say in a shallow tone.

"Hey Jerick, there's something I want to talk to you about after school if you don't mind." Says Ms. Eiko.

"Can I ask what it is if you don't mind me asking?" I ask in a curious tone.

"You'll have to wait and see. You better hurry! Your scriptwriting class is about to start," says Ms. Eiko in a serious tone.


Why does she always have to be so playful with me like that? "Idiot, stupid idiot!" I shout out loud.

"At least you can admit that much, why haven't you done the same for Aerina or her mom for that matter? You know it would make things a little easier for her and myself," says Nora in an irritated tone.

"Don't you think I'm trying to find a way? It's not easy telling your childhood friend's mom you like her in a romantic way and not make it awkward!" I say in a sharp tone.

Aerina shouts, "So, you can tell Nora the truth about how you feel towards my mom but you couldn't even bring yourself to tell me! Tell me then, how long, how long have you felt that way? You owe me that much, Jerick!"

"Since we were in high school," I say in a low tone.

Aerina yells with tears streaking down her face, "I... I can't believe you...! Just stay away... don't touch me!"

"Aerina! Wait!" I yell, chasing after her. Damn it!"

"Jerick, I said don't touch me!" "Let me go!" yells Aerina.

"Listen to me. I couldn't bring myself to tell either of you. I knew this is what would happen and I didn't want to lose you." My voice is cold.

"Why then?" asks Aerina forcefully.

"You are precious to me and I didn't want to ruin what we have. Your friendship is more valuable to me than a romantic one," I say with a strained voice.

"..." (description of Aerina)

"I didn't mean for things to happen the way they did, if I could change things I would, but I can't," I continue.

Aerina asks in a small voice, "Why her? Why couldn't it have been someone else?"

"I don't know. I don't have an answer, and I'm not going to give you an excuse."

Nora interjects. "Aerina, you have kept your own emotions quiet and in check this entire time, so how is it wrong Jerick that has done the same?"

Crimson Tears: Letting Go At Midnight (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now