Chapter VI: Guilt and Truth

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"A few days after I came to, Nora and Marko told me all they could about Kayle."

I say to myself "I was a little overwhelmed to hear it, but it explained Kayle's sudden change in hair and eye color." "They kept her away from me until she could control herself, which made me feel guilty." "My mind continues going back to Eiko and the night she kissed me." "I'm still at war with myself." "I didn't know what to do anymore." "I kept asking myself "Could I let her go?" "Deep down I knew the answer to each question I had, but I feared to answer and face them."

I ask Nora "Why didn't you say anything?" Nora replies with "It was my responsibility to keep it secret." "Anyways, I'll be leaving." Says Nora. "Before you go, could you give this to Aerina?" "I'll deliver this to Eiko personally." Says Marko stepping out of the way. "As for you my boy, lie back down and get some rest." Says Marko from the hallway.

Sometime later

Aerina's house

"Ms. are you by chance Eiko?" Asks Marko politely "I am, can I help you?" Asks Eiko, hesitantly. "I have a letter from Jerick that he asked me to give you." Says Marko. "From Jerick?" "It's been close to a week since we've heard from him." "Is he okay?" Asks Eiko pushingly. "Calm down." "I was only asked to deliver the letter, nothing more." "If I had to say anything, you'll find out in the letter." Says Marko patiently. "Thank you again, sir." "May I ask your name?" Asks Eiko politely. "Where are my manners." "My name is Marko Luise." Says Marko with a bow. "Thank you, Marko." Says Eiko with a smile. "I'll be off then." Says Marko.

"Dear Eiko,

I'm sorry to have worried you. I know my choice to leave was sudden, but it was for the best. My love for you still hasn't changed and probably won't. I needed to leave and allow Aerina and you to find a way to understand one another's boundaries. It may not have been the best choice to make, but it was mine to choose. I want you to find someone that gives you the same feeling I do. I'm only going to ask for this one selfish thing, don't love me.

Sincerely your's,


"How do you expect me to do that." Asks Eiko falling to the ground in tears.

At the college

"Aerina, do you have a moment?" Asks Nora from the stairs. "Sure, one sec."

("Hey, guys, I'll catch up later okay?") Asks Aerina from afar.

Her classmates respond with ("Sure thing Aerina, see you in a bit.")

"So, was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Asks Aerina, looking uneasy. "It's nothing too big, at least for me, but Jerick wanted me to give this to you." "I don't know what it says or what it's about." Says Nora looking distant. "Can you give me some time alone?" Asks Aerina with shaking hands. "I need to be going anyways." Says Nora. "Thank you, Nora." Says Aerina, just above a whisper.

"Dear Aerina,

I wrote this as a way to say sorry for my behavior as of late and to apologize for hurting you in a way that can't be forgiven easily. I figured you deserved an honest answer from me when it comes to how and why I fell in love with your mom. I can't explain why I fell in love with her, other than the fact she always treated me differently than the rest. Her sincere smile and the painful expressions she always tried to hide when no one else was around. She confided in me one day while you were out with your girlfriends that she loved your father very much and still did, his background was similar to mine, and seeing him become strong from the experiences is what she loved about him.

At that time my chest suddenly tightened and for the longest time, I didn't understand why. The night she asked me to move in with you was when I realized what it was I kept feeling. I had known for a long time this is what you had gone through when it came to me and I'm truly, so truly sorry that my feelings aren't the same. My feelings for you are as if you're my little sister. it's laughable though since you're older. Anyways, to answer another question you might have "Why did he decide to leave?"

I left so I could try to find someone else to have feelings for so it wouldn't rip apart your family and destroy our friendship that I value over anything else. So please let me be selfish just this once, take care of your mom for me?



"So, you're willing to sacrifice your happiness so we could remain friends?" "What do you think is going to happen to my mom?" "Idiot." Says Aerina in a distraught whisper.

College front door

"Ahh, Nora; just the person I was looking for." Says professor Cole. "Sir?" Asks Nora with confusion. "Do you remember what you asked me in class a while back ago?" Asks the professor with a smile. "It was about the interaction and how they could be related to love and inner conflict." "Also how curiosity and plain understanding of one's mental and emotional state could be an interesting factor." Says Nora tapping her lip with her finger. "That's right." I asked my old colleague about that." Says the professor with obvious excitement. "And?" Replies Nora. "Well, it is true that emotions can play a major role in a person's mental and emotional state." "Which, it looks like you have a friend going through that now."

"Anyways, if there are conflicting ideals in place the person will incidentally choose what is best suitable for all parties involved." Says the professor. "So, in other words, if a painful choice is having to be made, the result is loss of one to keep another?" Asks Nora with a worried look. "Unfortunately yes." Says the professor apologetically. "Thank you, professor, that really helps." "You're very welcome." "And Nora, whoever it is you asked this about just make sure someone stands by their side." "They're going to need it." Says the professor reassuringly. "I will." Says Nora turning toward the door.

Kayle's house

Kayle thinks to herself "Jerick was told as much as he was able to be told by Marko and Nora." "Now. it's my turn to tell him the truth."

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