06 | Street Race

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"Adrenaline rushes,"

- e.k.


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I knew I was going crazy. The thought of Gabriel consumed every possible thought, and I found it difficult to breathe when I remembered the way he looked into my eyes.

Whipped. That's what I was.

Whatever our last interaction meant to him, it was obvious I had weaved myself into his life because every time we locked eyes in the hallways, he'd smile and wave at me. I felt giddy, nervous and excited with the progress we'd made in the last few weeks - from Gabriel giving me a concussion up to when he walked me back home a few days ago.

"Oh, girl, we all fell in love with him at first-"

"Huh? Who's we? I can read a red flag from miles away," Dawn interrupted Adara as they spoke to Indigo about the current book we were obsessed with.

She'd been quiet for the first few times she hung out with us, but I was glad she was getting more comfortable as the days passed. Indigo was secretly a book lover, and we took pride in knowing another person like us.

"Okay, but let's acknowledge the fact that Dawn even thought Atlas was a red flag at first-"

"She thinks everyone in real life is a red flag, too. I don't blame her," I stated, and she smiled knowingly at me.

Dawn hated me when we first met, just like she hated everyone else. I couldn't remember the day she stopped because it was painfully slow progress, but the day she told me she was glad I was her friend was the day I told her I was going to keep her in my pocket forever. She didn't object, so years later, here we were.

"Alright, fine. Only because she's Dawn and despises every living thing on this earth," Adara sighed and leaned her arms on the cafeteria table we sat around.

"I am starting to see that," Indigo nodded at Dawn with a slightly impressed expression.

"Uh-huh. Also, don't let that distract you from the fact that the book is not about either of the boys-"

"Atlas is a man, actually-" Dawn pointed out, and we silently agreed.

"But about how Lily dealt with that kind of abuse," As Adara rested her head in her hand, leaning on the table with her elbow.

I didn't fail to notice how Indigo's eyes strayed to the table in front of us for a short moment, her face void of any emotion before shifting back to the conversation. She went somewhere else in her mind, and part of me felt worried. The other part thought I was only overthinking, yet when Indigo inhaled sharply and glanced around the cafeteria, I saw what she might've been thinking about.

Chancey DeLaughery. I remembered seeing them hang out in our earlier high school years - but it all stopped a couple of years ago when Indigo's father died. It was none of my concern, and I didn't think I could say anything to her when she shortly glanced at me, some kind of sadness pulling her lips down into a frown.

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