22 | You Promised

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a/n: the next two chapters are graphic. if you don't want to read them, i have a summarised version in the author's note each without the details. take care <3

"to heal all the broken fractures of my soul."

- e.k.


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She was standing outside my front door.

I came home from Serenity's house, parked my car in the driveway, completely missing the view of Zandra leaning against the rails on my front steps, and simply froze before them.

"Hello, stranger," Bitterness drenched her words.

Her hand reached for her pocket until her gun was out and pointing straight at me again. Was it bad that I felt no fear anymore? I knew she wasn't going to shoot me, so why was she threatening to do so? I was not going to go with her, besides Pearl told me the FBI was looking for her. Shouldn't they have tracked her down yet?

"I've come to get you back," Zandra tilted her head to the side, jutting her lips out.

"I said it once before, and I'm going to say it for the last time. I'm not going anywhere with you again, Zandra," I gritted through my teeth, clenching my hands into fists.

She walked down the front steps until she was face to face with me, nearing the gun to my chest.

"Is it because this gun is pointed at you and not one someone you love? Because I can have that arranged," Her eyes narrowed onto mine before she was withdrawing the gun.

Relief trickled into my bloodstream but completely drained when Zandra turned around and aimed the gun at my front door.

"What are you doing?" I walked in front of her, panicking, as I stood between the gun and my house.

"If you won't leave with me, I won't hurt you. I'll just hurt your mother, father, and two sisters. Is that the only option you'll leave me with, Gabriel?" Her voice lowered as she frowned, tears glistening in her eyes.

Why was this sick fuck crying!?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I questioned, staring at her with wide eyes. "You're mentally ill, Zandra. I'll get you some help if you want. You can stop playing whatever delusional game you think this is, and I'll get you some help. Is that what you want? Because I can get you help."

"Stop gaslighting me! I don't need help," She raised her voice, and I feared one of my family members would come out to witness this. "I just need you to come with me. It's not so hard."

"I'm not-" I stopped myself with a sigh, thinking of saying the most rational thing first. "How about you put the gun down, and then we'll talk? I'm not a threat to you. I think you know that by now."

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