26 | Epilogue

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"I love you, my serenity."

- e.k.

4 years later

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4 years later


I was flown out to Florida after planning my attempt to surprise Gabriel at his first Super Bowl game. This was his second year playing in the NFL, and I couldn't have been more proud. He fulfilled his dreams after taking a scholarship to his dream University and being called by one of the scouts there in his final year.

We studied in the same place for the last four years, but I wasn't finished with my diploma yet. I lied to Gabby for the first time in a while and told him I wasn't able to make it to his game due to an important exam. Little did he know, Teagan and Adara helped me set up a flight to watch him play the most important game of his career. I didn't want to miss it for the world.

"Listen," Dawn reassured me over the phone as I scrambled out of the airport exit. "I'll take care of the business for this entire week. Don't worry your pretty little face about it, okay?"

After graduating high school and starting my first year studying economics and entrepreneurship, I started a small jewellery business. All my products were handmade and sold quite frequently thanks to my friends sponsoring me. They were a large help, and over time, my small business was developed into a brand. I owned two stores so far and was determined to keep them growing.

"You worry about surprising Gabs and have the time of your life," Dawn told me in a stern voice. "If I even feel that you're stressing about anything, including your studies, I will fly over to you and defenestrate both you and your boyfriend, do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," I chuckled, keeping my eyes out for the hired black car I was supposed to take.

"Good, now I'm pretty sure we hired a guy to drive you to your hotel. Pearl is there to help you, and figure out how tonight is going to go."

"That is much appreciated, Dusk. Now please, concentrate on writing up those emails-"

"I will have none of that talk!" Dawn cut me off. "Have a good time, Seren. Love you, bye."

She hung up before I could say the same, and I tucked my phone into the pocket of my jacket, assessing the area around me for a guy holding up my last name. After a minute had gone by, a small panicky feeling settled into my chest when I couldn't find 'Morwell.'

It wasn't until my eyes locked with a sign reading 'Farah' that relief settled in. My friends were going to be the cause of all my stress. I sighed deeply before making my way to the tall man holding up the paper.

"Serenity Farah?" I asked him to confirm. Surely he was given a first name, too.

"Yes. You're her?" His brown eyes lowered to mine.

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