12 | Raining Stars

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"Don't look away from me, please, don't look away."

- e.k.


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I didn't speak to Serenity for days after the kiss. Every time I saw her, her head tipped downward, avoiding anyone's gaze, particularly my own. What hurt the most was Adara didn't even look my way. Dawn and Indigo glared until I gathered the audacity to do it back. It was fleeting, though, because I picked up on their disgust and couldn't stand it. I didn't have to look at Serenity to know that was how she felt too.

Snapping out of my daze, I heard the sound of Nico's father yelling at him to feed us snacks. The crinkling of wrapped food grew louder as he threw them at Nico's chest, pushing him out the back door and onto the patio.

They were extraordinarily similar; their personalities, features, and, unfortunately, their love life. Jennifer, Nico's mother, left him and his father before he could even start walking. Then Nico grew up to get cheated on by the only girlfriend he ever allowed himself to have. He was a one-time thing kind of guy before Silvia, his ex.

"They're grown men. They can feed their own asses," Nico shouted at his father before closing the door behind him and facing us.

His serious face - which wasn't serious at all - flew into a happy one once he spotted us waiting for him in our usual seats. Nico's blue eyes narrowed as he bounced his eyebrows up and down. "So, what's on today's agenda?"


My light smile dropped when River, who I had caught staring at me silently for the last ten minutes, spoke out of nowhere.

"Go back to your bat cave, I Am Vengeance," I mimicked his deep voice, effectively comparing him to batman. The dude was as quiet and sly as him.

River flipped me off as Nico laughed. He kept a straight face, and so did Zion.

"Who are you supposed to be today? Edward Cullen," I suggestively lowered my voice at Zion. "It will be as if I never existed."

"Okay, Brian O'Conner," He shot back, leaning forward in his chair, challenging me. "Is that who you were supposed to be at Harloe's street race the other week?"

Well, fuck.

"Say what?" Nico almost screeched.

"Street race?" Batman drawled.

"Without me?" Nico continued, earning a death stare from Bruce Wayne.

Nico raised his palms as if in surrender, dropping the forgotten snacks pressed to his chest. He scoffed at himself as he picked them up and threw them at us, and one by one, we caught them.

"Oh, nice. Snacks. Ana jayien ktir. Hm, ktir nice!" With an exaggerated focus on the packet of chips in my hands, I murmured a little too fast. [I'm starving] [(a lot) really nice]

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